Allow leaders to independently vote on Bill – Ichung'wah to ODM

Says they should have the freedom to oppose this Bill on the floor without being intimidated

In Summary
  • On June 15, the ODM party commenced disciplinary proceedings for MPs who defied the party's stand on Finance Bill.
  • ODM said the party received many complaints from its general membership regarding the conduct of its MPs in the vote on the Finance Bill, 2023.
National Assembly Majority leader Kimani Ichungwah at the inaugural committee of Principal Secretaries' meeting at the Kenya School of Government in Lower Kabete, Nairobi on March 22, 2023.
National Assembly Majority leader Kimani Ichungwah at the inaugural committee of Principal Secretaries' meeting at the Kenya School of Government in Lower Kabete, Nairobi on March 22, 2023.
Image: PCSPS

National Assembly Majority leader Kimani Ichung'wah has urged the ODM party to stop intimidating its members over the Finance Bill 2023.

Speaking in Parliament Ichung'wah said the opposition leaders must be allowed to vote and debate on the Bill independently.

"ODM must protect its members. The members should have the freedom to oppose this Bill on the floor without being intimidated," he said. 

"They are working hard to be seen and heard because if they are not seen, we have witnessed the kind of letters they are receiving."

On June 15, the ODM party commenced disciplinary proceedings for MPs who defied the party's stand on Finance Bill.

ODM said the party received many complaints from its general membership regarding the conduct of its MPs in the vote on the Finance Bill, 2023.

"In line with the party's disciplinary rules, notices to show cause disciplinary action should not be taken have been issued to the members. They are expected to respond within the next 48 hours," the statement read.

The members who will face the disciplinary committee include those who voted in favour of the Bill and those who were marked absent during the second reading of the controversial Bill.

On Tuesday, ODM said 13 lawmakers were yet to write show cause letters.

Other MPs who did not show cause include; Gideon Ochanda, Joseph Oyula, John Ariko Namoit (Turkana South), Paul Nabuin (Turkana North), Said Buya Hiribae (Galole), Mohamed Abdikadir Hussein (Lagdera), Titus Khamala (Lurambi), Wilberforce Oundo (Funyula), Mark Nyamita (Uriri), Daniel Manduku (Nyaribari Masaba) and Fatuma Masito.

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