Illicit brew crackdown will create joblessness, operators claim

"They're only creating unemployment in the country which will lead to thuggery, prostitution and crime."

In Summary

• Restaurant and bar association owners urged the government to focus on those selling illicit brews but let traders in genuine alcohol to continue with business. 

• "The move by government is only fighting genuine businesses who have followed the right procedure, they are not fighting alcohol, it's us they are fighting." 

Bar and restaurant owners while addressing the media on June 21, 2023.
Bar and restaurant owners while addressing the media on June 21, 2023.

Mt Kenya residents on Wednesday called on the government to stop ongoing crackdown on the sale of illicit brews in the region saying it will breed unemployment. 

Restaurant and bar association owners urged the government to focus on those selling illicit brews but let traders in genuine alcohol to continue with business. 

"Mimi nimelelewa na pombe, watoto wangu wamezaliwa wakapata pombe, wanakula na kusoma juu nauza pombe, na yangu sio haramu," one of them said. 

(I was raised from alcohol proceeds, my children eat and school because I sell alcohol and mine is genuine not illicit)  

"If they keep on closing our businesses, they are only creating unemployment in the country which will lead to thuggery, prostitution and crime," another one noted. 

The operators who spoke during a press briefing on Wednesday said the crackdown is hurting businesses as it's the business people who are being targeted and not the illicit brews. 

"The move by government is only fighting genuine businesses who have followed the right procedure, they are not fighting alcohol, it's us they are fighting." 

On June 16, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said he had handed over a list of known culprits selling illicit brews to security personnel in Naivasha for requisite legal action.

"We will not spare anyone irrespective of their status in this battle to save our youth from destruction. All those tasked with this fight are properly briefed on the results we expect from them," he said. 

The DP affirmed his commitment to sustain the fight against illicit brews and drug abuse in Mt Kenya region.

"The war against Illicit, toxic brew, drug and substance abuse is one we will not relent on. We must win it," he said. 

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