Raila has lost control over his troops – Mbeere North MP

He questioned whether Raila is leading a well disciplined, organised and serious team.

In Summary
  • Among the legislators from Azimio camp that voted to pass the Finance Bill was Nairobi Women Representative Esther Passaris. 

  • Passaris said she voted for the bill to pass as she feels everyone deserves to live in a good house and not in a slum. 

Mbeere North Member of Parliament Geoffrey Ruku
Mbeere North Member of Parliament Geoffrey Ruku
Image: FILE

Mbeere North MP Geoffrey Ruku has opined that Azimio Chief Raila Odinga has lost control over his troops. 

Ruku said Raila has lost control over his troops as some of them went ahead and voted to pass the controversial Finance Bill 2023.

The bill has already been assented into law by President William Ruto.

Ruku spoke on Thursday during an interview with Citizen TV. 

"I know quite a number of MPs from Wiper who voted to pass the Finance Bill. I know quite a number of ODM MPs who were not in the house. They simply did not care," he said. 

Ruku questioned whether Raila and his fellow Azimio leaders are leading a well-disciplined, organised, and serious team.

He said the Azimio team has no confidence in whatever it is they are proposing and telling Kenyans.

"If they are sure that what they are telling Kenyans is good for the country, then we should be seeing it happening where it matters and that is on the floor of the house," Ruku said. 

At least 184 MPs—largely from Kenya Kwanza—supported the bill save for Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba, whereas 88 MPs—largely from Azimio—opposed the amendment. 

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