2027 win will position Western region for more goodies - Mudavadi

He urged Western legislators to start reflecting on the 2027 political matrix and unite.

In Summary

• He told the legislators to utilize their numerical strength in parliament and lobby for more resources for the region.

• Mudavadi who spoke on Friday further cautioned Western Kenya leaders against engaging in petty politics at the expense of working for the people.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula during a thanksgiving ceremony of newly elected Ford-K Secretary General and Tongaren MP John Chikati on June 30, 2023
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula during a thanksgiving ceremony of newly elected Ford-K Secretary General and Tongaren MP John Chikati on June 30, 2023
Image: Handout

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has called on legislators from Western region unite and push for more resources to their region.

Mudavadi told the legislators to utilize their numerical strength in parliament and lobby for more resources to ensure people in the region reap benefits of development.

“We have an opportunity to uplift the livelihoods of our people. Wetang'ula is our point person in Parliament and I am your point man at the Executive. Legislators should unite and also play their role too,” he said.

Mudavadi who spoke on Friday further cautioned Western Kenya leaders against engaging in petty politics at the expense of working for the people.

“Appropriation for budgetary allocation and lobbying for resources does not happen in funerals. It only happens in Parliament when legislators unite and focus by putting the eyes on the ball,” he said.

“Locals should not be blaming legislators for not attending funerals, but for failing to champion for their needs in parliament,” he added.

Mudavadi called on the region to start reflecting on the 2027 political matrix and unite.

“Let us begin preparing ourselves for the reality of 2027 and the reality in our minds should be that we need to add more into our basket for the votes we deliver for Ruto.”

“The footprint for Ruto in Western Kenya should become big and this will give us more bargaining power if we fully support him in 2027. That win will position our region for more goodies and prepare our political future ahead of 2023,” he added.

Mudavadi said President William Ruto’s government is banking on technology to ensure smooth and proper service delivery by sealing loop holes that brokers and middlemen have been using to exploit Kenyans.

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