Half of government supporters opposed to housing levy - poll

Nearly all opposition supporters oppose it at 84 per cent

In Summary

•Among Kenyans as a whole, only one-quarter express support the housing fund-program at 24 per cent

•Government supporters are five times more certain that those who will pay the housing levy will get a house as compared to just four per cent of their opposition counterparts

Ongoing affordable housing project in Mukuru.
HOUSING LEVY: Ongoing affordable housing project in Mukuru.

More than two-thirds of Kenyans (69 per cent) do not support the housing levy, a poll by Tifa shows.

The poll which was released on Tuesday shows that even a majority of government supporters (54 per cent) are against the levy while nearly all opposition supporters oppose it at 84 per cent.

“Among Kenyans as a whole, only one-quarter express support the housing fund programme at 24 per cent,” the report says.

“To a large extent, such opinions are more a reflection of political alignment than of the details of the programme itself,” it adds.

The national survey was conducted between June 23 and June 30 among 1,530 respondents through Computer Assisted-Telephonic-Interviews (CATI) and with a margin error of +/- 2.5 %.

The interviews were conducted across nine zones namely Central Rift, Coast, Lower Eastern, Mt Kenya, Nairobi, Northern, Nyanza, South Rift and Western.

The aim of the poll was to find out the state of the economy as experienced and perceived by Kenyans.

Some of the topics covered include the recently passed 2023-24 Budget including the Finance Bill of which the housing levy constituted a highly contested element.

According to the report, government supporters are five times more certain that those who will pay the housing levy will get a house as compared to just four per cent of their opposition counterparts.

Overall, 54 per cent of Kenyans feel that those who will pay the housing levy will not get to own a house.

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