Mavoko MP Makau arrested over Mlolongo chaos

He was picked up from his Karen home at 4 am

In Summary
  • The Expressway is manned by dozens of armed police officers all the time.
  • But when goons raided the property at Mlolongo area, the officers were nowhere to be seen.
Mavoko Member of Parliament Patrick Makau at a past event.
Mavoko Member of Parliament Patrick Makau at a past event.
Image: FILE

Mavoko Member of Parliament Patrick Makau was Thursday arrested in investigations over anti-government protests witnessed along Mombasa Road, Nairobi. 

Makau was arrested in the wee hours of Thursday at his home in Karen, Nairobi.

His house was raided at 4 am, where detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) took him to the directorate's offices in the Nairobi Area. 

He has denied any involvement in the demonstrations that were witnessed on Wednesday where a section of the Expressway was damaged affecting traffic flow.

Other leaders have read mischief in the police actions terming it misuse of power.

Police say Makau's arrest is in connection with demonstrations that led to the massive destruction of the Nairobi Expressway at the Mlolongo toll station during the anti-government protests called by the opposition to picket against the high cost of living.

This came amid reports there are plans to target a number of leaders for arrest over the protests.

Questions are being raised as to how police were overwhelmed especially on the Expressway in Nairobi amid claims the attackers on the property were facilitated.

The Expressway is manned by dozens of armed police officers all the time.

But when goons raided the property at Mlolongo, the officers were nowhere to be seen.

Responding teams which arrived almost two hours after property had been vandalized allegedly shot and killed four people as part of efforts to restore order.

Police say some of the protests were spontaneous and happened in at least 30 counties.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki said persons who partook in the demonstrations, both directly and indirectly, will be dealt with in accordance with the law.  

At least nine people were killed in the protests, including four in Mlolongo, two in Kitengela, one in Nairobi and one in Emali in Makueni County.

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