Oduol, Ongoro explain decision to work with UDA

Oduol said the decision to work with the government was for the sake of the development

In Summary
  • Similarly, former nominated senator Elizabeth Ongoro also explained why she had made the decision to ditch ODM for UDA.
  • "I left ODM last week and joined UDA because I believe in what I know, and I walk the talk," Ongoro said at Lwak Girls High School.
Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol speaking at Ng'iya Girls National School in Siaya, on July 29, 2023.
Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol speaking at Ng'iya Girls National School in Siaya, on July 29, 2023.

Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol has explained why he supports President William Ruto's administration.

Oduol said that President Ruto's United Democratic Alliance saved him when he was facing impeachment.

He said that the UDA senators came through for him.

"I am the undisputed deputy governor and a member of the ODM but I am friendly to the Kenya Kwanza. The reason (for that) is you all know what happened to me," he said.

"The impeachment went all the way to the Senate. It is these people Kenya Kwanza/UDA that saved me." 

Oduol spoke in Lwak and Ng'iya Girls High Schools during the launch of computer laboratories on Saturday.

The decision to work with the government of the day, Oduol reiterated, is for the sake of the development of the entire Nyanza region.

"For us to transform this region on an accelerated basis, we must work with the government," he said.

Similarly, former nominated senator Elizabeth Ongoro also explained why she had decided to ditch ODM for UDA.

"I left ODM last week and joined UDA because I believe in what I know, and I walk the talk. There is time for politics and time to bring development," Ongoro said at Lwak Girls High School.

"If we do politics throughout then we wouldn't be able to bring development."

She averred that Kenya Kwanza has hardly settled in office and should be given time to deliver on its manifesto.

Ongoro is also the elder sister to Rarienda MP Atiende Omollo, a close ally of Raila.

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