Hilarious reactions over Somalia's 'slowest' 100m runner

Ali completed race in 21.81 seconds; over 10 seconds behind winner

In Summary
  • Nasra Abubakar Ali eventually finished the race, appearing to be happy as she skipped at the finish line. 
  • Sports Minister Mohamed Barre Mohamud described the incident as an embarrassment.
A screengrab of 100m sprinters at the World University Games in China
A screengrab of 100m sprinters at the World University Games in China

Netizens are in shock after a video of a Somali lady who may be categorised as the slowest ever 100-metre runner surfaced online.

The lady known as Nasra Abubakar Ali created a buzz online over the casual manner with which she turned up for a 100-metre sprint in China.

Ali took part in the race and finished last, unbothered. 

In a video, the woman competing in the 100m sprint at the World University Games in China is seen starting off in an unprofessional manner, and by the look of things, unfit. 

She eventually finished the race, appearing to be happy as she skipped to the finish line with a kick to crown her race. 

Ali completed the race in 21.81 seconds, more than 10 seconds behind the winner. 

CNN journalist Larry Madowo who also shared the video online was at pains to understand how Ali, who he described as an untrained athlete ended up in the competition. 

"Somalia's Sports ministry says she's not a runner, and the chair of the Athletics Federation committed 'acts of abuse of power, nepotism, and defaming the nation' internationally and has been suspended," he tweeted. 

Another Twitter user—Kokodave said Nasra is a legend because of the last skip she made. 

Bridgett said she didn't quite know what’s the backstory but is fully in the video for the little skip energy. 

Sports Minister Mohamed Barre Mohamud described the incident as an embarrassment.

"What happened today was not a representation of the Somali people... we apologise to the Somali people," he said.

The fact that she reportedly had no previous experience competing has prompted some Somalis to wonder why she was ever selected.

"It's disheartening to witness such an incompetent government. How could they select an untrained girl to represent Somalia in running?" wrote one social media user, Elham Garaad. "It's truly shocking and reflects poorly on our country internationally."

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