
My aim is to make Mombasa Port beneficial to people – Nassir

"It has not been an easy journey to try and lay claim to the port, but i'm determined to do so."


News04 August 2023 - 12:16

In Summary

  • He was speaking during a networking dinner in Nyali hosted by the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) Mombasa Chapter.
  • Nassir expressed his commitment to the people of Mombasa to work toward economic prosperity and growth.
Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir speaking during the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mombasa Chapter networking dinner in Nyali on August 4, 2023.

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir expressed his intention to ensure that the residents of Mombasa can benefit from the existence of the port.

He was speaking during a networking dinner in Nyali hosted by the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) Mombasa Chapter.

"I hope to leave a legacy that involves the people of Mombasa taking advantage of the port," he said.

Nassir acknowledged that it has not been an easy journey to try and lay claim to the port, but he is determined to do so.

Even if it means ring-fencing income generated or providing a service with the port of Mombasa, Nassir said will work towards ensuring that the money is ring-fenced for infrastructure development to help grow Mombasa.

Furthermore, Nassir announced that they have advertised the construction of the County Aggregated Industrial Park, which is set to bring opportunities for chamber members to get space to grow their various industries.

To strengthen the partnership, Nassir suggested having a Memorandum of Understanding between the National Chamber of Commerce and the County Government.

The governor emphasized that the private sector's efforts would drive the economic prosperity of Mombasa, and his role would be to provide a conducive environment by promoting good order, business-friendly county by-laws, and innovative policies that spur growth.

Finally, Nassir expressed his commitment to the people of Mombasa to work toward economic prosperity and growth.


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