Thugs raid school in Machakos, steal Sh360,000

According to the police they broke into the principal office, bursar's office and account clerk's office

In Summary
  • One of the guards said he was robbed of Sh60,000 which had been handed to him from a merry-go-round.
  • Police said the guards were found tied in one of the rooms at the school and none was injured.
Crime scene.
Crime scene.

A night guard was injured during a robbery at a school in Matungulu, Machakos.

Police said the gang of about five raided Fr. Heeran Girls Secondary and held hostage two guards who were on duty before embarking on a robbery spree.

This was after they had cut a barbed wire making part of a fence at the school compound.

According to the police they broke into the principal office, bursar's office and account clerk's office, where they stole Sh360,000, four laptops, a projector and two external hard disks.

One of the guards said he was robbed of Sh60,000 which had been handed to him from a merry-go-round.

Police said the guards were found tied in one of the rooms at the school and none was injured.

A team of detectives is investigating the attack.

The team visited the scene and processed it as part of the probe into the same.

Meanwhile, police in Manyatta, Embu are investigating a burglary incident at a bar.

A gang had raided the bar when an alarm was raised alerting police who responded there and found a salon car parked outside with unknown occupants.

The car sped off from the scene prompting the officers to fire towards the car but it manage to disappear.

The robbers had stolen Sh3,500 from the bar, one full Keg drum, one Keg pump, 12 pieces of Guinness cans, 12 pieces of Balozi cans and they left behind a half sack of assorted brands of beer with 37 pieces.

Police say they are investigating the incident.

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