CJ Koome inaugurates alternative justice system in Lodwar

The CJ heaped praises on ‘Ekukwo A Ateni’ terming it as more than just a dispute resolution suite.

In Summary

•The Alternative Justice System (AJS) is both a philosophical concept as well as a practice for accessing justice.

•"I urge them to view the AJS suite as a symbol of the judiciary’s commitment to preserve and promote this wisdom."

Chief Justice Martha Koome inaugurates an Alternative Justice system in Lodwar on August 30,2023
Chief Justice Martha Koome inaugurates an Alternative Justice system in Lodwar on August 30,2023

Chief Justice Martha Koome on Wednesday inaugurated an Alternative Justice Systems (AJS) suite at the  Historic African Court in Lodwar, Turkana County.

The move seeks to enhance the multi-door approach to the delivery of justice.

Koome said the AJS suite, located in Lodwar town adjacent to the Lodwar Law Courts and dubbed n ‘Ekukwo A Ateni’ (the  Alternative Justice System), has an extraordinary past linked with Kenya’s independence heroes.

The CJ  heaped praises on ‘Ekukwo A Ateni’ (the  Alternative Justice System)  terming it as more than just a dispute resolution suite.  

The CJ said the Alternative Justice System (AJS) is both a philosophical concept as well as a practice for accessing justice.

Chief Justice Martha Koome inaugurates an Alternative Justice system in Lodwar on August 30,2023
Chief Justice Martha Koome inaugurates an Alternative Justice system in Lodwar on August 30,2023

 “Embrace it, not as a new initiative but as a tribute to our age-old values and practices. It is a philosophical concept, and consistent with the human rights school of thought," she said. 

She said the AJS is based on freedom, equality, non-discrimination, dignity and equity.

“The people of Turkana have long upheld these traditions, and I urge them to view the AJS suite as a symbol of the judiciary’s commitment to preserve and promote this wisdom,” Koome noted.

However, she cautioned the community and other participants of the suite that issues relating to the defilement of children of children do not fall within the remit of Alternative Justice Systems.

“When you come across an incident of defilement of a child, you must refer such cases to the police and the courts, for it to be dealt with as a criminal offence,” she cautioned the netizens.

She reiterated the significance of the launch of e-filling in Turkana which is the ninth county where this initiative had set a milestone.

Koome said e-filling has helped bridge the gap between justice and its seekers.

She promised that they are laying plans to set up assistance desks at court stations and Huduma centres so that every Kenyan finds a helping hand when they seek justice.

“It would be remiss of me to fail to mention and talk about the plight of vulnerable and marginalized groups within our society. Foremost, the issue of children and access to justice is one that is close to my heart," the head of the judiciary shared her sentiments.

Koome concluded by assuring the residents that the judiciary recognises that every child deserves equal opportunities to flourish in education and other aspects without being threatened to being subdued to early marriages and other abhorrent practices.

She assured that the judiciary recognises the urgency of the issue and will steadfastly lay justice systems to protect the young ones from harm.

Chief Justice Martha Koome inaugurates an Alternative Justice system in Lodwar on August 30,2023
Chief Justice Martha Koome inaugurates an Alternative Justice system in Lodwar on August 30,2023

Koome said the quest for enhanced service delivery will require collaboration, especially with County Governments in the area of land provision for developing physical infrastructure to house courts in constituencies that do not have court stations.

Speaking at the event, Turkana Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai said he will work closely with the AJS management committee to ensure proper training of AJS teams across the county.

“This will ensure this system serves all residents effectively while reducing the geographical distance as residents seek justice,” Lomorukai said.

He expressed appreciation for the establishment of a court in Kakuma and for running a mobile court system that has improved access to justice in parts of the county.

“We urge you to increase courts in Turkana to at least every sub-county,” he urged the Chief Justice.

The Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi told the people of Turkana that the stalled new court building would be finalised this Financial Year.

"I am glad to report that the construction of the new (Lodwar) court building will continue this financial year following the resolution of issues that had resulted in the delay, and the allocation of funds,”  Amadi said.

Chief Justice Martha Koome during the inauguration of the Historical African court to an Alternative Justice system in Lodwar on August 30,2023
Chief Justice Martha Koome during the inauguration of the Historical African court to an Alternative Justice system in Lodwar on August 30,2023
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