Stop adoption of new varsity funding model – Lobbyists tell state

Said the old varsity funding model worked just fine.

In Summary
  • The lobbyists said the new funding model came with a lot of confusion.
  • Further, the lobbyists called for clarity about selecting Universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses.
Elimu Bora Working Group addressing members of the press during a past media briefing.
Elimu Bora Working Group addressing members of the press during a past media briefing.
Image: FILE

A group of lobbyists now want the government to stop the implementation of the new education funding model amid confusion about it. 

The lobbyists on Thursday, led by Elimu Bora Working Group, said the government is in a hurry to implement the new funding model adding that the old model worked well. 

"The Elimu Bora Working Group (EBWG) calls for halting the ill-conceived funding model. We want the country to return to the previous model for continuing and new students and eventually eliminate tuition fees," the lobby said. 

The lobbyists said since President William Ruto announced the new funding model, a series of confusion and frustration has plagued higher education institutions and potential recipients of the funds.

They said many parents are already struggling to take their children through school yet the state has transferred the responsibility of providing education to them. 

Further, the lobbyists called for clarity about selecting Universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses.

"Eligible students face prolonged university and college placement delays due to a lack of clear instructions from Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS)," the lobbyists said. 

They noted that currently, university and TVET courses are associated with higher fees than expected.

"Previously, government-supported students would pay Sh16,000 per annum for similar classes and get a loan of up to Sh60,000 yearly. Now they have to part with an average of Sh650,000 per annum, all without scholarships," the lobbyist said. 

The implication, the lobbyists said, has been students dropping out or avoiding selecting the courses altogether.

Additionally, the lobbyists said the criteria used to qualify a study for government support still need to be determined.

"Knowing which student is vulnerable, very needy, needy, and less needy is challenging, yet these are the government's yardstick in assessing the level of support it will offer students," they said. 

The lobbyists said that due to technical glitches, only 30 percent of eligible students applied for government scholarships and loans through the Higher Education Fund and Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).

They said the situation has left most students unable to apply for funding and likely locked out of higher education.

"Devastatingly, the system has frustrated brilliant students under 18 from receiving education loans due to their legal status as minors," they added. 

Lobbyists said before, these students would have easily used their parents' details to get the money.

"Furthermore, fresh students encountered challenges with registration fees, accommodation, catering, scholarship materials, and medical security during the reporting and registration phase," they said. 

The lack of implementable guidelines contributed to the confusion.

Elimu Bora wants the government to ensure unhindered university and TVET entry for qualified students and waive registration fees. 

Among the lobbyists that backed Elimu Bora are the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), Uraia Trust,  Elimu Tuitakayo, Constitution Reforms Education Consortium (CRECO) and Social Justice Centre Working Group (SJCWG).

Others are the National Students Caucus, Kenya National Interface Team (KNIT), Youth Agenda, Universities Academic Staff Union (UASU), Centre for Education Policy and Climate Justice (CEPCJ), Association of Parents with Children with Special Needs and Education for Africa (EFACO). 

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