Kisii leaders want Ruto to allocate Sh7bn annually for projects

The details of this came to the fore when elected leaders from Kisii and Nyamira met President Ruto

In Summary
  • The leaders expressed hope that the allocation would shore up the region's development.
  • In their submissions, they prioritised the reconstruction of the busy Kisii-Sotik road, a key pillar of the region's economy.
Kisii Governor Simba Arati speaking during a meeting led by President William Ruto at the Kakamega State Lodge on August 31, 2023
Kisii Governor Simba Arati speaking during a meeting led by President William Ruto at the Kakamega State Lodge on August 31, 2023
Image: PCS

Political leaders from Kisii want President William Ruto's administration to commit Sh7 billion annually to sort out the region's development needs.

The details of this came to the fore when elected leaders from Kisii and Nyamira counties held a meeting with President Ruto on Thursday at the Kakamega State Lodge.

According to a Memorandum of Understanding jointly submitted by the leaders to the President, the leaders expressed hope that the allocation will shore up the region's development.

"Sir, if Sh7 billion is committed to our county every financial year, in three years, we will be home and dry for another 5 years. With humility, kindly consider," the MoU reads.

"We humbly submit that you spread the total of Sh22 billion in the next three financial years for our roads and we will be home and dry sir."

The MoU on development issues affecting Kisii was submitted by Governor Simba Arati.

During the meeting, the leaders submitted a list of development projects that they want Ruto's administration to address-outlining the priority order for each of the projects.

In their submissions, they prioritised the reconstruction of the busy Kisii-Sotik road, a key pillar of the region's economy.

The leaders said that the road should be reconstructed and the carriageway expanded to seven metres to support the fast-growing regional economy.

"The Kisii-Sotik road is an important national trunk road that links South Nyanza and Kisii to Nakuru and Nairobi. It is also an important feeder to the Ahero-Isebania international trunk road that passes through Kisii," reads the MoU

"However, the existing road pavement is over 30 years old and has deteriorated beyond its useful life. Equally, it is prone to accidents due to a narrow carriageway of 5.5 metres and sharp corners."

Regarding stalled projects, the leaders asked the President to consider allocating funds to road projects that were abandoned by contractors due to financing challenges.

"Some contractors abandoned sites a long time ago, making the roads impassable, especially during this rainy season and hence communication and political challenge for leaders. Please rescue us, sir," the MoU said.

"Sir, an extension of an extra Sh4 billion in our county will grow us a big way in helping connect these other ongoing roads some of which, even in completion will hang midway. Sir, you have previously pronounced yourself in public on the status of these roads and the commitment thereto."

They then listed further eight connecting roads that they want the Kenya Kwanza administration to build giving priority to the proposed Etago-Ekona-Geteni-Nyamaiya Road.

The key link road is based in National Assembly Majority Whip Silvanus Osoro's South Mugirango Constituency.

Others are Sameta Junction-Egetuki-Ikoba;Sani-Ntuta-Itabango in Bobasi Constituency,Keroka-Ibacho-Kiamokama road, Igare-Matierio-Borangi-Mochengo, Sensi-Nyabworoba-Kionganyo-Geturi and Birongo-Nyanturago-Nyankororo road.

Others are Mochengo-Ayora-Maroo road and Nyosia-Timani-Geterere road.

On electricity connectivity, the leaders asked the government to allocate more resources to enhance the number of households connected from the current 53.48 per cent.

South Mugirango has the lowest connectivity rate at only 19 per cent of the total households.

The leaders also want the current Kisii GK Prison relocated to allow for the expansion of Kisii Municipality, the construction of a soapstone factory and the writing off of coffee factory debts amounting to Sh650 million.

Regarding the Kisii Mother and Child Health block at Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital, the county government wants Ruto's administration to help with equipment for the Sh598 million project.

The 200-bed capacity facility is expected to serve over 100,000 mothers monthly drawn from Kisii, Nyamira, Homabay, Migori, Narok and parts of Kericho and Bomet Counties.

The county also requested equipment for the Nyamache, Kenyenya, Nduru, Marani, Gesusu, Keumbu, Iyabe and Ogembo Level 4 hospitals

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