Namwamba meets Kenya's Strongest Man

Sports CS assured athlete that his ministry will walk with him

In Summary

•Namwamba also met with the Kenya Freestyle Football Federation officials led by the federation's president Mike Rabaa.

•Wekesa is a multiple winner in various Strongest Man categories including the 2016 and 2017 Kenya's Strongest Man competition

Sport CS Ababu Namwamba meest with Kenya's Strongest Man and Africa's second Strongest Man Stephen Wekesa on September 7, 2023
Sport CS Ababu Namwamba meest with Kenya's Strongest Man and Africa's second Strongest Man Stephen Wekesa on September 7, 2023
Image: Handout

Sports CS Ababu Namwamba on Thursday met Kenya's Strongest Man and Africa's second Strongest Man Stephen Wekesa.

The meeting which was also attended by PS Peter Tum aimed to discuss areas where the ministry would support Wekesa’s quest to become Africa's and ultimately the World's strongest man.

“The CS assured the athlete, who currently holds East Africa's strongest man record in Squats, that his ministry will walk with him in his mission to conquer Africa and the World,” the ministry said in a statement.

Wekesa is a multiple winner in various Strongest Man categories including the 2016 and 2017 Kenya's Strongest Man competition.

He also won the second Strongest Man behind South Africa's Kelimin and the fifth overall in the Africa Squats record a position he is determined to improve on.

Namwamba also met with the Kenya Freestyle Football Federation officials led by the federation's president Mike Rabaa.

The meeting focused on the upcoming World Freestyle Football Championships slated for November in Nairobi.

The CS assured the team of the ministry's support, adding that under the Talanta Hela initiative, all talents will be given equal opportunities to grow.

Rabaa assured the CS of their readiness to host the global showpiece, adding that it was a platform to market Kenya as not only an athletics powerhouse but also a country of diverse sporting activities.

"Hosting this championship is an honour and great opportunity for the country to position itself as a centre of excellence in sports and also opens up opportunities for partnerships," Rabaa said.

Freestyle football combines football tricks, dance, acrobatics, and music to entertain and compete.

The sport has witnessed significant growth in the recent past, with over 600 active athletes in the country.

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