Two children burnt to death in Eastleigh fire incident

The fire broke out as a housegirl prepared supper with the children in the house.

In Summary
  • The fire spread fast blocking the entrance of the house as locals struggled to get water and other items to contain it.
  • The girl was rescued but succumbed to the injuries in hospital.
Image: The Star

Two minors were September 14 night killed when a fire swept through their house in Pumwani, Nairobi.

The incident happened on the fifth floor of a building along Muratina Street, police and witnesses said.

The girl and boy were seven and five respectively, police said.

The fire broke out as a housegirl prepared supper with the children in the house.

The fire spread fast blocking the entrance of the house as residents struggled to get water and other items to contain it.

The girl was rescued but succumbed to the injuries in hospital.

The remains of the boy were discovered in his bedroom long after the fire had been contained.

Nairobi police boss Adamson Bungei said they are yet to establish the cause of the fire.

"Experts are on the ground to investigate the tragedy," he said.

Property of unknown value was destroyed in the fire. The parents of the children arrived home to the sad news of the incident.

The bodies were moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and further probe. A burial was planned for the bodies on Friday.

On Tuesday, a one-and-a-half-year-old child was killed in a fire incident in Githunguri, Kiambu County.

The female minor was in their house with her elder sister aged four when the fire broke out on Monday night in Kamakwa village in Kanjai sublocation.

Police said the fire raged through the four-roomed timber-made structure killing the child as her sister ran out to safety.

The children’s parents were not at home at the time of the incident and arrived to find the tragedy.

Police said they are yet to establish the cause of the fire. The remains were moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and probe.

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