Graduate in court after firm uses her image for housegirl adverts

She also seeks to be compensated for the alleged breach.

In Summary

•The commercial advertisements and use of her images were done without her consent.

•The could be asked to compensate the graduate if the court finds merit in her case. 

Milimani law courts
Milimani law courts
Image: FILE

A public Relations graduate wants a recruitment Agency stopped from using her images on their website to advertise housemaid jobs in the Gulf.

Yvonne Maina says the use of her pictures by the company has resulted in people assuming that she was or is working as a house girl in partnership with the company as its Brand Ambassador which is not the case.

This she says has subjected her to ridicule as she is seen as a desperate graduate who has resulted in working as a house girl.

“This has put me to shame before my peers, schoolmates, and society at large,” she said.

In her court papers, Yvonne says she is a graduate of the University of Nairobi. She graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism and Media Studies (Public Relations)

She explains that on diverse dates, the company or people working under their instructions published her photos on their website advertising housemaids' jobs in the Gulf.

The commercial advertisements and use of her images were done without her consent, she said.

“The main motive of using the photograph was to give the agency online/ international visibility which would in turn yield more profits in terms of the many applicants who were being targeted,” She argued.

She says despite demand, they have refused to pull down the said images, apologize or even compensate her for using her image.

She seeks an order restraining the agency and its agents from publishing, producing, circulating or in any way dealing with her data or image on their website or the social media handles they control.

She also seeks to be compensated but the amount sought has not been stated.

“So many people who viewed me in the adverts were shocked and concerned that I was doing adverts for the house-girl job,” she said.

The publication of her photos in advertisement posts for house girls is an intrusion on her dignity and a downgrading of her status as a graduate of the prestigious University of Nairobi.

She says the continuous use of her image in the commercial advertisements for house girls continues to threaten her social standing among her colleagues, family members and friends who know her as a graduate.

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