Sabina Chege: I will be Kenya’s first female President

“I would pray to God that, that day comes and happens"

In Summary
  • Sabina said she has all that it takes to hold the top seat.
  • She further said she is currently focused on her role at the National Assembly.
Jubilee Nominated MP Sabina Chege.
Jubilee Nominated MP Sabina Chege.
Image: PCS

Nominated MP Sabina Chege is confident she will one day rise to be Kenya’s first woman president.

Expressing her desire, Sabina said she has all that it takes to hold the top seat arguing women who in leadership have proven to be capable of delivering.

"I would pray to God that, that day comes and happens, that I will be the first female president," she said.

"When a woman is in leadership she is a mother, she can take care of everyone, sometimes men can be abrasive and highhanded but when a woman is a president you will see changes."

Speaking during an interview with TV 47's Willis Raburu,  Sabina did not however state the seat she intends to run in future only saying she is currently focusing on her family roles.

"I am concentrating on my family, I am more of a mother trying to put things together. In the next two or three years we shall see how politics would shape up," she said.

"We shall see whether I will go back to Murang’a, I will be in Nairobi or go for national politics." 

Sabina further said she is currently focused on her role at the National Assembly noting there are several bills she is pushing to ensure it succeeds. 

The MP, a former ally of retired president Uhuru Kenyatta, announced in April 2022, four months to the 2022 general election of her intention not to defend her woman representative seat.

She had held it since 2013. 

She told her supporters at Murang’a Teachers College that she would instead focus on national politics.

Chege said her second term has been difficult as the majority of her supporters criticised her decision to join Azimio, which does not enjoy much support in the county.

“Today, I am here to ask for your blessings to engage in national politics and to explain why I decided to stick with Azimio la Umoja,” she said.

She had earlier indicated her ambitions of succeeding then-Governor Mwangi wa Iria.

The MP had also previously declared interest to become the then Deputy President William Ruto’s running mate, before decamping to Azimio leader Raila Odinga’s camp.

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