KUSO: We're giving government a week to disburse Helb loans

The student's organization to give way forward in case of deadlock.

In Summary
  • Saruni said KUSO will lobby from different angles and levels to have students' Helb loans released.

  • This comes as the delays in Helb loan disbursement enter its second month. 

KUSO President Jesse Saruni
KUSO President Jesse Saruni

Kenya University Student Organisation President Jesse Saruni has said the government has one week to give the way forward over the delays in disbursement of Helb loans. 

Saruni told the Star on Tuesday that by the end of the week, he will issue a new directive on what should be done should the Ministry of Education not have communicated. 

" I am in talks with the CS and guys in the ministry to have the Helb loans expedited," he said.

Saruni said though he has not received any conclusive answer on when the money will be released, he said the ministry has given assurance that the money will soon be released.

"I will be reaching out at the end of the week, at least to see how far the process has come along. If there is no progress, then we will consider taking other measures," he said. 

He said the other measures to be considered do not necessarily mean going to the streets. 

Saruni said KUSO will lobby from different angles and levels to have students' Helb loans released.

This comes as the delays in Helb loan disbursement enter its second month. 

We asked Saruni whether KUSO would lead protests over the delays as former KUSO President Anthony Manyara had said. 

Saruni said there will be no demos, adding that Manyara cannot speak on behalf of KUSO as he is no longer the President of the student's body.

Saruni said Manyara was voted out from the position on August 18, 2022, and he never led protests in the six years he held the position, thus the doubt he will do so now. 

"Manyara cannot do anything. He cannot lead the protests. He is not even the KUSO President. I will be surprised if at all Manyara will lead the protests," he said.

Manyara while speaking in an interview with Spice FM on Monday, said the protests would commence on Tuesday, which is today. 

"We are saying if Helb is not released today, then our students have no other option but to be on the streets starting from tomorrow,"  Manyara said. 

Kenya University Students' Organisation chairperson Anthony Manyara.
EDUCATION Kenya University Students' Organisation chairperson Anthony Manyara.
Image: FILE
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