Two men charged with gang-defiling boy aged eight

Were charged before Kibera Chief Magistrate Ann Mwangi.

In Summary
  • The court heard that the accused person gang sodomized PQ on diverse dates between 2021 and September 25.
  • They were charged with an alternative charge of committing an indecent act with a minor contrary to the sexual offenses act.
The two Clinton Otoyo and Joseph Kamau at the Kibera Court
The two Clinton Otoyo and Joseph Kamau at the Kibera Court

Two men who allegedly gang-defiled a boy aged eight were today charged at a Kibera court where they denied the charges.

The two Clinton Otoyo and Joseph Kamau were charged before Kibera Chief Magistrate Ann Mwangi when they were presented for plea-taking.

The court heard that the accused persons gang sodomized PQ on diverse dates between 2021 and September 25 at Muslim area in Kawangware within Nairobi County.

They were charged with an alternative charge of committing an indecent act with a minor contrary to the sexual offenses act.

The second accused person through his lawyer urges the court to grant him a lenient bond term.

He told the court that the accused person was not a flight risk and was ready to abide by all the court rulings and directions.

The lawyer also urged the court to supply him with all the witness statements and documentary evidence that the prosecution intended to rely on during the entire trial.

Court prosecutor Jeff Musyoka did not object to the accused person not being released on bond but called for tough bond terms.

They were released on a bond of Sh300,000 with the surety of the same amount.

The matter will be mentioned later this month for pre-trails and further directions.

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