Loans to water agency stands at Sh94.7 billion, Senators learn

The loans are from World Bank, ADB, KfW and AFD.

In Summary
  • Kamau told the committee Water Service Providers operating in AWWDA jurisdictions undertook various projects using the loans.
  • AWWDA is responsible for the development, maintenance and management of water and sewerage infrastructure in the counties
Maragua dam, one of the many reservoirs constructed by Athi Water Works Deevelopment Agency.
Maragua dam, one of the many reservoirs constructed by Athi Water Works Deevelopment Agency.
Image: Alice Waithera

Athi Water Works and Development Agency (AWWDA) has loans amounting to Sh94.7 billion, the Senate’s County Public Investments and Special Funds Committee heard on Monday.

Appearing before the committee, acting chief executive officer Joseph Kamau noted that the money was borrowed from the World Bank, African Development Bank, French development agency AFD and German state-owned investment and development bank, KfW.

Kamau told the committee Water Service Providers operating in AWWDA jurisdictions undertook various projects using the loans.

He pointed out that of the total amount Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company owes it stands at Sh5.2 billion.

Narok Senator wondered why AWWDA had not taken over the running of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company if it owed it such a huge amount.

“Are you just enjoying your salaries? The debt is a huge blanket on your head,” he stated.

The committee chair said it had emerged the county assemblies did not approve the loans to WSPs operating in their areas.

“One thing that is coming out clear is that management of loans is wanting. It is clear no county approved the loans,” said Osotsi, who is also the senator for Vihiga County.

AWWDA is responsible for the development, maintenance and management of water and sewerage infrastructure in the counties

AWWDA’s jurisdiction includes Nairobi, Kiambu and Murang’a counties.

There are 14 Water Service Providers operating in AWWDA jurisdictions.

They include Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company, Kiambu Water and Sewerage Company, Gatanga Community Water Trust, Limuru Water and Sewerage Company, Gatamathi Water and Sanitation Company and Murang’a Urban Water and Sewerage and Sanitation Company.

AWWDA is one of the eight Water Works Development Agencies (WWDAs) established under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation. It was established under the Water Act 2002 vide Gazette Notice No. 1775 of March 21, 2003.

Following the enactment of the Water Act 2016, AWWDA transformed into a water works development agency with the revised responsibilities as outlined in the Act.

Currently, AWWDA ensures the provision of water and sewerage services to about eight million people in its area of jurisdiction.

The percentage of people with access to water in the urban areas under its jurisdiction is estimated to be 75 per cent while in the rural areas, it is at 54 per cent.

On the other hand, about 56 per cent of people in urban areas have access to sewerage systems while 38 per cent have access to sewerage and sanitation services in rural areas.

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