All five drowned KCPE candidates at Arap Moi primary in Eldoret, identified

Parents identified the bodies at the mortuary amid calls for action on tragedy

In Summary
  • A post-mortem exercise is planned on the bodies as part of the probe into the tragedy, police said.
  • Several witnesses including managers at the dam where the incident happened and the teachers at the school have recorded statements as part of the probe
Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: STAR

The bodies of the five pupils who drowned at a man-made dam in Eldoret were identified after a night-long event.

The victims were Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) at Arap Moi Primary School in Eldoret.

The bodies were identified by the parents at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital mortuary on Saturday night, police said.

The police said a post-mortem exercise will be conducted on the bodies as part of the probe into the tragedy, police said.

Several witnesses including managers at the dam where the incident happened and the teachers at the school have recorded statements.

Parents of the children are still seeking answers on the incident.

The pupils had ventured into the popular Amazement Park that offers a wide range of activities for among others prayers ahead of national exams that start Monday when the incident happened, police said. 

The pupils and their teachers went to the park for a boat ride on a man-made dam there when it capsized. 

The pupils were divided into groups with some venturing into the boat riding on the dam, witnesses and police said. 

Only one of those who were in the boat and who is a class six pupil survived, police said. 

The pupil was rushed to Burnt Forest Sub County Hospital and later to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital for attention. 

Police said the incident happened at about 5 pm on Saturday. 

The victims were later moved to Burnt Forest Hospital where they were confirmed dead. 

The bodies were moved to the MTRH morgue.

Angry parents of the pupils stormed the school seeking to know the whereabouts of their kin. 

This sparked tension in the area, which forced the sub-county security committee to be summoned for an emergency meeting on how to handle the crisis. 

Kenya Certificate of Primary Examinations (KCPE) and the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) will run from October 30 to November 24.

About 1.4 million are KCPE candidates, with 1.2 million KAPSEA candidates while 903,260 will sit for the KCSE exams. The pupils had ventured to the park as part of preparations for the exams. 


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