Ruto's 27 nominees for diplomatic jobs get MPs approval

Lawmakers had received one memorandum contesting approval of the nominees

In Summary
  • The petitioner identified as Karanja Matindi has argued that SRC had not set the packages and benefits for such officers.
  • The Committee also rejected a request for information with regard to a nominee.
A photo collage of some of the nominees when they appeared for vetting before the parliamentary committee.
A photo collage of some of the nominees when they appeared for vetting before the parliamentary committee.

Parliament on Wednesday approved the 27 individuals recently nominated by President William Ruto for ambassador and high commissioner roles.

The motion to approve the names was moved by the National Assembly’s Defence Committee chairman Nelson Koech following the conclusion of the vetting process.

In its report, Koech stated that they received one memorandum from a petitioner contesting the approval of the nominees.

The petitioner identified as Karanja Matindi argued that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) had not set the packages and benefits payable to the persons holding such offices.

Karanja according to Koech further asserted that in the absence of remuneration and benefits, any recommendation for appointment will violate the Constitution.

The committee, however, observed that the memorandum addresses a different matter that touches on the mandate of the SRC and is not in any way addressing the fundamental role of the National Assembly in conducting approval hearings.

“The memorandum, therefore, could not preclude the committee from carrying out its constitutional mandate. For that reason, it was dropped,” Koech said.

The Committee at the same time rejected a request for information from the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) concerning a nominee who had allegedly been mentioned in a matter involving a large irregular payment of legal fees by Kenya Maritime Authority.

The Committee observed that the nominee was under investigation by the agency which by law has no power to declare anyone guilty.

National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah in support of the motion noted that while EACC has a constitutional mandate to investigate matters touching on corruption, it is not wise to write letters and say "so and so has been mentioned on a matter that we are investigating."

“Anybody can mention anyone and if we were to use that trend, it would be abused,” he said.

Ichung’wah stated that a denial or disapproval of appointment to public office must be based on actual facts, on facts that dent your integrity in line with Chapter Six of our Constitution.

“Because all I need tomorrow is to name someone in a matter that touches on corruption and EACC then will use that as a basis to deny a person an opportunity to get a public appointment,” he added.

Among the nominees approved are Jane Ndurumo (South Africa), Isaac Keen Parashina (Nigeria), Janet Mwawasi (Rwanda), Peter Munyiri (India), Wilson Kogo (Australia), John Ekitela (Malaysia), Philip Githiora (Mozambique), Sabdiyo Dido Bashuna (Botswana), George Morara Orina (Ethiopia), Shem Amadi (DRC), Jeremy Ndola (South Sudan), Jeremy Laibutah (Sudan), George Macgoye (Djibouti) and Joyce Khasimwa M'maitsi (Angola).

Others are Kubai Iringo (Somalia), Fouzia Abass (Switzerland), Betty Chebet Cherwon (France), Fredrick Lusambili (Italy), Angelina Kavindu (Sweden), Stella Orina, (Berlin, Germany), Nairimas Sharon Ole Sein (Madrid, Spain), Maurice Makoloo (Austria), Emmy Kipsoi (Seoul, South Korea), Mohamed Ramadhan Ruwange (Saudi Arabia), Albert Kendagor (Israel) and Mohamed Nur (Qatar)

Peter Ngure was approved as the permanent representative to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Paris.

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