Why tree-planting is crucial for children - official

Mosiria said the initiative molds responsible and environmentally conscious citizens.

In Summary
  • Mosiria said children will watch their trees grow throughout their academic journey.
  • He said they not only witness the tangible impact of their actions but also develop a personal connection to nature.
Nairobi Health Facilities Chief Officer Geoffrey Mosiria planting a seedling on November 13, 2023.
Nairobi Health Facilities Chief Officer Geoffrey Mosiria planting a seedling on November 13, 2023.

Nairobi Health Facilities Chief Officer Geoffrey Mosiria has said implementing the National Tree Planting Day is imperative for children. 

Mosiria on Monday said the initiative not only fosters a sense of environmental responsibility but also nurtures a lasting connection between individuals and nature.

"By integrating this practice into the academic curriculum, we can instil values of sustainability and ecological consciousness from a young age," Mosiria said. 

He said each student's responsibility to plant and nurture a tree symbolises a commitment to the environment's well-being.

Further, Mosiria said as children watch their trees grow throughout their academic journey, they not only witness the tangible impact of their actions but also develop a personal connection to nature.

"Moreover, incorporating these planted trees as part of their examination upon graduation adds a unique and meaningful dimension to their academic achievements," he said. 

Mosiria said it serves as a tangible testament to their long-term commitment to environmental stewardship, emphasising the importance of sustainability in their education and future endeavours.

He said the initiative not only contributes to reforestation efforts but also moulds responsible and environmentally conscious citizens.

He added that it aligns with the global imperative to address climate change and promotes a harmonious relationship between education, personal growth, and environmental preservation.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki declared Monday a national holiday dedicated to tree planting. 

"In Exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 of the Public Holidays Act, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration declares Monday, November 13, 2023, a public holiday in which the public shall be engaged in tree growing countrywide," the gazette notice read.

"The exercise is part of Kenya’s Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration Program–Towards the Growing of Fifteen (15) billion trees."

Though there was a national holiday, candidates proceeded with their national exams.

Nairobi Health Facilities Chief Officer Geoffrey Mosiria watering a seedling in Nairobi on November 13, 2023.
Nairobi Health Facilities Chief Officer Geoffrey Mosiria watering a seedling in Nairobi on November 13, 2023.
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