Mungatana urges mediation for Meru leadership amidst ongoing tension

"Evidence that was presented and the charges leveled against her were not worthy of sending a governor away."

In Summary

• Mungatana faulted the MCAs over what he termed as an attempt to overturn the will of the people.

• This comes a few days after the Senate threw out a petition seeking to remove Governor Kawira Mwangaza from office.

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza sheds tears after Senate acquitted her of all 7 charges brought up against her by the County Assembly on November 11, 2023
Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza sheds tears after Senate acquitted her of all 7 charges brought up against her by the County Assembly on November 11, 2023
Image: Screengrab

Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana has called on the leadership of Meru County to iron out their differences without hurting development.

Speaking on KTN News on Tuesday, Mungatana called on the religious leaders to act as a mediator between the warring parties.

Mungatana however faulted the MCAs over what he termed as an attempt to overturn the will of the people.

This comes a few days after the Senate threw out a petition seeking to remove Governor Kawira Mwangaza from office.

Mungatana said the evidence presented in the ouster motion failed to meet the weight required to have Mwangaza sent home by the Senate.

According to Mungatana, the evidence that was presented and the charges leveled against her were not worthy of sending a governor away.

Mungatana noted that governors are voted in by the people hence any attempt to remove them from office should be backed up by very serious violations of the Constitution.

"When you say four people went to China why can't you surcharge those people, when you say there were 100 people employed irregularly why can't you get a court order to set aside?" Mungatana paused.

"When you say that Sh78 million is uncounted for then you don’t even present the auditor general report what are you telling us? When you say one of the roads has been named under the spouse and then the evidence you produce is a WhatsApp picture even you as an MCA can you set aside the will of the people?"

He said it is time for the country to embrace the culture of respecting the voters adding that any issues that might arise within the county ought to be sorted out within that level.

"....juxtapose that with the kind of male chauvinistic abuses that were displayed on video to the disgust of the Senate; how do you then say you were abused and when we look at you, you are saying such horrible things?" the senator said.

He however admitted that there is a problem that needed to be sorted out in Meru, but advised that the Governor be given time to deliver on her promises to the people.

Mungatana further noted that Kawira had been voted number four among the best performing county bosses, an indication that she was doing something good for her people.

"The governor needs to sit with the MCAs and the MPs but for now give the people of Meru peace so that real development will come," Mungatana emphasised.

The Senate Assembly last week trashed an impeachment motion against the Mwangaza.

The Senators voted to throw out all seven charges fronted against the governor by the Meru County Assembly.

In charge one on misappropriation and misuse of public resources, 28 senators voted that the governor was innocent while 19 senators voted to say she was guilty.

This is the second impeachment she has survived after the first one was thrown out by the same Senate Assembly last year.

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