Cabinet Secretary for Sports Ababu Namwambaon Wednesday bid farewell to the Harambee Stars at JKIA as they departed for West Africa to participate in the 2026 World Cup Qualifiers."
The match which is set to begin on November 16, 2023, to November 20 will be against Gabon and Seychelles
"Kenya returns to competitive international football for the first time in two years following the lifting of the FIFA suspension. Government through Moyasa has fully supported the team, with good level build-up friendlies, including against World Cup teams Russia, Qatar and Iran," Namwamba said on his X account.
The CS said the players have been in a quality residential camp for the required time.
He also added that player allowances and technical bench dues have been sorted.
"We have chattered a private aircraft to fly the team directly to the two crucial assignments in Gabon and Côte d'Ivoire where Seychelles is hosting their game," he added.
"I have urged the boys to put their best foot forward for Kenya and committed handsome cash rewards for every 3 points they nail in these qualifiers. Our prayers and best wishes to the boys."
Speaking on November 8, 2023, Football Kenya Federation Chief Executive Officer Barry Otieno expressed satisfaction with the level of the team’s preparation thus far, adding that he is confident of a good performance.
“We have prepared well enough and set the stage for a good performance. Our fine form in recent international friendlies suggests we are ripe for the task ahead,” Otieno said.
Harambee Stars stunned 2022 World Cup hosts Qatar 2-1 before crashing 1-0 to South Sudan in Nairobi a couple of days later.
They then displayed great character to hold Russia to a two-all draw in their last build-up encounter in Turkey last month.