Detectives investigate rape claims by Limuru woman as she waited for gate to be opened

The woman said she was dragged from her car and raped by two men who were armed with crude weapons

In Summary
  • According to police, the woman told them she decided to sleep in the car until morning when perhaps the house girl would open the gate.

  • And as she relaxed therein, two men armed with crude weapons approached the car.


Detectives are investigating claims by a 36-year-old woman who said she was raped as she waited for her gate to be opened in Limuru, Kiambu.

The woman told police she had Saturday night arrived home in her car at about 2 am.

She called her house girl to open the gate but realized the mobile phone had been switched off.

The woman said she decided to close the car and relax at the entrance of her gate.

The victim had left Nairobi for her home.

According to police, the woman told them she decided to sleep in the car until morning when perhaps the house girl would open the gate.

And as she relaxed therein, two men armed with crude weapons approached the car.

She woke up and tried to start the car in vain. She said she hooted but no help was forthcoming.

In the meantime, the gang was breaking the car windows and later forced their way in.

They then dragged her out of the car threatening to harm her with the weapons if she raised an alarm.

They later raped her at a bush near there before they went back to the car and ransacked it.

The two later escaped on foot with her personal effects and an unknown amount of money.

The woman reported the matter before she was taken to a nearby hospital for attention.

Police on Monday said they are still looking for the gang behind the attack.

A team visited the woman at the hospital and the scene of the attack.

The car was also processed by scenes of crime officials as part of the probe into the crude attack, police said.

They said they are investigating both rape and robbery with violence.

They want to establish if there was any other motive in the attack.

Cases of rape have been on the rise despite stringent repercussions of the same.

Rape cases stood at 827 in 2022, 1,013 in 2021, 973 in 2020, 950 in 2019 and 921 in 2018.

Major campaigns against the vice are ongoing.

Officials say such incidents cause deadly trauma to the victims.

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