Women traders at border points experience sexual harassment -Study

Stakeholders called upon governments to move swiftly in adopting GBV-specific legislation

In Summary

• The 'UNiTE! Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls’ campaign advocates increased financial backing for preventive strategies.

• In addition to transforming societal norms to end violence against women and girls. 

Anne Wangombe, Principal Secretary, State Department for Gender and Affirmative
Anne Wangombe, Principal Secretary, State Department for Gender and Affirmative

At least 40 per cent of women traders at border crossings have experienced sexual harassment, a new study shows. 

A recent study by TradeMark Africa (TMA) has revealed that 40 per cent of women traders at East African border crossings have experienced harassment in the past year.

This according to the study includes sexual and verbal abuse.

The study also underscored the correlation between unpaid care work, gender-based violence (GBV) and its implications for women’s participation in cross-border trade.

It underpinned the critical need for sustainable solutions through partnerships.

Anne Wangombe, Principal Secretary, State Department for Gender and Affirmative Action noted that while trade holds the promise of prosperity, inclusivity, and sustainability in Africa, the shadows of gender-based violence persist. This impedes the empowerment of women in trade.

“This dialogue stands not just as an advocacy platform but as a clarion call for substantial investment and radical policy reform to fortify a conducting trading environment for women across the African continent,” she said.

Anataria Uwamariya, TMA’s Director Business Competitiveness said this alarming reality underscores the urgent need for action.

She said this was a focal point during a high-level stakeholder dialogue convened by TMA, following the 'UNiTE! Invest in to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls’ campaign. 

The campaign advocates increased financial backing for preventive strategies and transforming societal norms to end violence against women and girls.

The dialogue brought together policymakers, private sector entities, civil society representatives, development partners, and women in business.

The stakeholders articulated commitments and called upon governments to move swiftly in adopting GBV-specific legislation, trans-regional collaboration, the establishment of secure centres, data management at borders, and the integration of private sector and community empowerment in efforts to combat GBV.

"Empowering women in trade necessitates more than rhetoric; it demands concrete, collaborative endeavours to dismantle the shadows of gender-based violence hindering progress," Uwamariya said.

Our commitment to gender equality and inclusive development remains unwavering, evident in our strategic blueprint and initiatives aimed at creating a violence-free trading environment."

She pointed out that the "Making Trade Work for Women" programme, funded by Global Affairs Canada and a part of TMA’s initiatives, has demonstrated a significant impact, benefitting more than 170,000 women across Eastern, Southern, and the Horn of Africa.

“The success of this program is a testament to the positive outcomes achievable through concerted efforts. Through community and collaborative initiatives, we've witnessed tangible impacts, reporting and resolving cases, providing safe spaces, and empowering communities,”  Uwamariya said.

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