Change of heart: Man in Bomet suffers heartbreak hours to wedding

In Summary

•The Kapsoiyo Africa Gospel Church (AGC) Pastor Chalulot revealed that the wedding planning committee had been doing the planning for the past two months.

•Pastor Chalulot revealed that the wedding planning committee had been doing the planning for the past two months

Putting a ring during wedding ceremony
Putting a ring during wedding ceremony
Image: FILE

Guests in Bomet who had looked forward to great celebration and merry-making were on Friday left in shock after the bride bowed out of the anticipated wedding last minute.

The wedding between the couple was expected to take place on Saturday in Kapsoiyo in Bomet County.

However, to utter shock, the man was left to nurse severe heartbreak after the love of his life changed her mind and decided not to go on with the wedding which had taken months to plan.

Reports indicate that the bride decided to opt out of the wedding and ‘requested to be given time to think over it’.

However, Pastor Clement Chalulot, who was the chairman of the wedding planning committee said those were just rumours as they had not gotten the clear reason as to why.

“Hiyo ni fununu tu hatujaskia vizuri, hiyo ni fununu tu lakini chenye tunajua wazazi wa bride tulikuwa tunaendelea vizuri mpaka tu juzi tulipata hawajapean vitu za kujaz kwa hizo forms,” he told Standard digital.

This is translated to mean, ‘Those are just rumours, what we know is that we were working well with the parents of the bride until Thursday when we heard that some of the requirements for filling wedding forms had not been availed.’

The Kapsoiyo Africa Gospel Church (AGC) Pastor Chalulot revealed that the wedding planning committee had been doing the planning for the past two months.

They had even paid a fraction of the dowry to the bride’s parents in anticipation of the wedding.

It was not until Thursday that they received a communication from the reverend disclosing that the wedding would not hold as expected.

“On Thursday we found that there were some things the reverend needed to fill into the wedding forms but it had not yet been completed so we saw it wise to postpone the wedding till further notice,” Pastor Chalulot said.

“We are giving them small time to do reconciliation so that they give the things needed for the wedding to go on we are praying for them and we know the wedding will happen in the coming weeks,” he added.

He said they had so far spend Sh50,000 out of the around Sh300,000 they had managed to raise for the wedding.

Due to the sudden turn of events, residents were made to feast on the perishables which had been prepared in anticipation for the big day.

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