Diversity displayed at MKU’s 24th graduation ceremony

The graduating class included several international students from countries

In Summary
  • Among them were PhD candidates from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.
  • At the ceremony, higher institutions of learning were challenged to strengthen the linkages with industry
Dr Emmanuel Owuor celebrates after being conferred with doctorate degree during Mount Kenya University's 24th graduation ceremony which was held at Graduation pavilion in Thika. Over 5763 qualified graduands were awarded with various degrees, diplomas and certificates.
Dr Emmanuel Owuor celebrates after being conferred with doctorate degree during Mount Kenya University's 24th graduation ceremony which was held at Graduation pavilion in Thika. Over 5763 qualified graduands were awarded with various degrees, diplomas and certificates.
Image: MKU

Mount Kenya University held its 24 graduation ceremony during which 5,763 students were conferred with various degrees and awarded diplomas and certificates.

The graduating class included several international students from countries who have been pursuing higher education at MKU.

Among them were PhD candidates from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.

Also graduating was renowned Kenyan entrepreneur and entertainer Akoth (popular as Akothee), who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management, Sunkuyia George MP Kajiado West (Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies) and Charles Kamau Karondo chairman Athi Water Works (Master of Business Administration).

At the ceremony, higher institutions of learning were challenged to strengthen the linkages with industry, particularly Small and Medium Enterprises, in a move that would ensure that graduates are well-equipped with the appropriate skills when leaving universities.

Dr Juma Mukhwana, Principal Secretary for Industry at the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, said this would enable SMEs to grow, which would in turn increase the number of jobs available in the country as well as grow the country.

“It is important to note that, there are various challenges bedevilling the linkage between learning institutions and SMEs such as minimal absorption of new technologies by SMEs, inappropriate skills which are critical to the growth of SMEs, commercialisation of innovative technologies and a low appreciation of science and its contribution to national development,” said Mukhwana.

“Higher education institutions serve as hubs of knowledge creation, innovation, and skill development. These institutions can bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical application by nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship, fostering research and development, and providing a skilled workforce equipped to address the challenges faced by small-scale industries.”

He gave the keynote address at the graduation ceremony which was themed ‘The Role of Higher Education in Driving Small-Scale Industry for Socio-Economic Equity through Linkages’.

He noted that small-scale industries are often the backbone of many economies and play a vital role in generating employment, driving innovation, and contributing significantly to local value addition and employment creation.

Dr Nelly Wamaitha celebrates after being conferred with Doctor of Philosophy in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration degree during Mount Kenya University's 24th graduation ceremony which was held at Graduation pavilion in Thika. Over 5763 qualified graduands were awarded with various degrees, diplomas and certificates.
Dr Nelly Wamaitha celebrates after being conferred with Doctor of Philosophy in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration degree during Mount Kenya University's 24th graduation ceremony which was held at Graduation pavilion in Thika. Over 5763 qualified graduands were awarded with various degrees, diplomas and certificates.
Image: MKU

In Kenya, Mukhwana noted, SMEs employ about 14.1 million people or about 93 per cent of people in employment while accounting for 24 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), which is a measure of the value of all products and services that a country produces.

“This is where the synergy between higher education and small-scale industries becomes pivotal,” he said.

“Collaborative efforts, such as research partnerships, technology transfer, mentorship programs, and internships, can facilitate the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and resources. Such linkages empower small-scale industries with the latest advancements in technology, managerial skills, and market insights, thus enhancing their productivity and competitiveness.”

The university’s management noted that the institution had remained resilient in the last year and had strived to adapt to new and emerging trends. This included offering new courses and bringing on board new methods of delivering lectures.

MKU vice chancellor Prof Deogratius Jaganyi during MKU's graduation ceremony
MKU vice chancellor Prof Deogratius Jaganyi during MKU's graduation ceremony
Image: MKU

“To align the University curricula to the emerging trends and address the market demands, the University Senate has supported three new curricula namely; Master of Pharmacy in Cosmetic Technology, Master of Pharmacy in Industrial Pharmacy, and Master of Science in Industrial Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine,” said Prof Deogratius Jaganyi, the Vice Chancellor MKU.

“Further, to establish suitability, and relevance and to make MKU programmes cost-effective in the era of technology integration, the University has continued to progressively upgrade its e-content modules into SCORM files digital content, which is self-paced with voice-over. The University has continued to upgrade the E-learning platforms… this improves students', teachers' experience on the digital platforms, content delivery and quality of teaching.”

He added that in supporting postgraduate training, the university had developed a new road that will guarantee the timely completion of postgraduate students.

MKU chancellor Prof John Struthers, said during the last year, MKU had made major strides by securing partnerships with critical institutions from around the world. Among these include a partnership with the University of West of Scotland (UWS), where Prof Struthers is based.

The two institutions in October signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which will facilitate joint research and other areas of the partnership.

Mount Kenya Univeristy Council Chairman Dr. Vincent Gaitho (center), Dr Juma Mukhwana, Industry PS at the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, Vice Chancellor Prof Deogratius Jaganyi and MKU Chancellor Prof John Struthers (both center) pose for a group photo Mount Kenya University's 24th graduation ceremony which was held at Graduation pavillion in Thika.
Mount Kenya Univeristy Council Chairman Dr. Vincent Gaitho (center), Dr Juma Mukhwana, Industry PS at the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, Vice Chancellor Prof Deogratius Jaganyi and MKU Chancellor Prof John Struthers (both center) pose for a group photo Mount Kenya University's 24th graduation ceremony which was held at Graduation pavillion in Thika.
Image: MKU

Among the areas of immediate collaboration include the hosting of the International Conference of the Center for African Research on Enterprise and Economic Development (CAREED) by MKU in July 2024.

UWS has hosted CAREED for the last seven years at the UWS, with the eighth conference now set to be hosted by MKU.

“This is a significant milestone in the history of CAREED as well as for MKU because it is the first time that CAREED will host its conference outside UWS and more significantly, on African soil. We are finally bringing the CAREED Conference home to Africa where it rightfully belongs,” said Struthers.

University Council Chairman Dr Vincent Gaitho said the university had expanded following a new Open Distance and Electronic Learning (ODEL) Center in Embu.

“The establishment of the ODEL centre is to support the students in the Eastern region of Kenya,” he said.

“This is in pursuit of enhancement of service delivery making MKU’s robust digital learning accessible to many aspiring students, and promoting equity in higher education.

Mount Kenya Univeristy Council Chairman Dr. Vincent Gaitho (center), Dr Juma Mukhwana, Industry PS at the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, Vice Chancellor Prof Deogratius Jaganyi and MKU Chancellor Prof John Struthers (both center) pose for a group photo Mount Kenya University's 24th graduation ceremony which was held at Graduation pavillion in Thika. Image: MKU
Mount Kenya Univeristy Council Chairman Dr. Vincent Gaitho (center), Dr Juma Mukhwana, Industry PS at the Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry, Vice Chancellor Prof Deogratius Jaganyi and MKU Chancellor Prof John Struthers (both center) pose for a group photo Mount Kenya University's 24th graduation ceremony which was held at Graduation pavillion in Thika. Image: MKU
Image: MKU
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