Heavy rains pound Nairobi rendering most roads impassable

Imara Daima stage is flooded on both sides of Mombasa road and residents are finding it hard to cross

In Summary

• Many Kenyans were caught off guard with others seeking solace under bridges while others tried to shelter under some trees.

• As some of the pedestrians raced with the rains, others were seen braving the showers to go to work.

Heavy rains were experienced in Nairobi and its environs on Thursday after a two-week break from the El Niño rains. https://rb.gy/ey4j6f

Matatus wading flooded roads along Mombasa road on December 14,2023
Matatus wading flooded roads along Mombasa road on December 14,2023

Heavy rains were experienced in Nairobi and its environs on Thursday after a two-week break from the El Niño rains.

Many Kenyans were caught off guard with others seeking solace under bridges while others tried to shelter under some trees.

As some of the pedestrians raced with the rain, others were seen braving the showers to go to work.

However, the persistent rains could not allow the use of umbrellas as it rained heavily making other users fold their umbrellas and run to shelters.

Traffic caused by flooded rain waters along Mombasa road at Imara Daima stage due to poor drainage
Traffic caused by flooded rain waters along Mombasa road at Imara Daima stage due to poor drainage

As it pounded the city, traffic snarl-up was in turn witnessed in different parts of the county as motorists kept beeping their cars.

At some bus stops, flooding was witnessed making the roads impassable.

"Imara Daima stage is flooded on both sides of Mombasa road and we cannot pass," one of the residents told the Star.

In a statement on Thursday, the national emergency and disaster response team said it is closely monitoring El Niño floods in five counties.

The Emergency department said it is monitoring Taita Taveta, Narok, Migori, Homabay, and Siaya counties.

“This is due to the current forecast of heavy rainfall and isolated storms in these regions,” it said.

However, it noted that floodwaters are gradually receding in Lamu, Tana River, and Garissa Counties, with no new cases reported concerning the displacement of people.

The department said all affected Counties continue to receive crucial relief supplies.

Heavy Rains pound Nairobi on December 14./ HANDOUT
Heavy Rains pound Nairobi on December 14./ HANDOUT
Image: Ma3Route

“Active plans are likewise, underway for the second phase of relief distribution to the affected Counties in acknowledgment of the evolving situation,” it said.

“This comprehensive approach ensures that affected populations receive the necessary assistance to recover and rebuild.”

It provided a toll-free line: 0800721571 In case anyone needs to report flood emergencies.

The Met department had said the rains will return to many parts of Kenya after a two-week break.

The downpours will largely hit the lower half of the country, but will particularly be heavier in Western and Coast.

A tree fallen due to heavy rains in Nairobi on Thursday, December 14, 2023.
A tree fallen due to heavy rains in Nairobi on Thursday, December 14, 2023.

Northern Kenya will be dry, which gives the communities more time to recover from the destructive rains last month.

“Heavy rainfall is expected in some parts of Kakamega, Vihiga, Migori, Homa Bay, Kisii and Narok counties,” Benard Chanzu, the deputy director of meteorological services said.

The current rains are a result of the El Nino phenomenon.

The number of Kenyans who have succumbed to the rains is rising after three more persons died on Thursday, bringing the death toll to 168. 

In Friday's emergency response update, Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura said the three fatalities were reported in Tharaka Nithi, Nandi and Migori counties.

He sent condolences to the bereaved families and appealed to Kenyans to strictly adhere to weather and flood alerts to avert more fatalities.

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