Meru blogger murder: Millicent Omanga calls on DCI, IG to ensure killers face law

"The slain Meru blogger alias Sniper must have gone through hell before breathing his last," she said.

In Summary
  • This comes a day after the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Kenya condemned the abduction, torture and murder of Sniper.
  • ICJ noted that the Kenyan constitution guarantees freedom of expression and, the right to seek, receive and impart information.
Nominated senator Millicent Omanga speaking to residents and small traders at Motherland and Eastleigh First Avenue, Kamukunji Constituency, Nairobi County on January 12, 2022.
Nominated senator Millicent Omanga speaking to residents and small traders at Motherland and Eastleigh First Avenue, Kamukunji Constituency, Nairobi County on January 12, 2022.
Image: FILE

Former nominated Senator Millicent Omanga has condemned the killing of Meru-based Blogger Daniel Muthiani, popularly known as Sniper.

Through her X account on Tuesday, Omanga called on the Directorate of Criminal Investigations as well the Inspector General of Police to look into the matter.

Omanga said they should work towards making sure Sniper's killers are brought to book.

"The slain Meru blogger known by his alias Sniper must have gone through hell before breathing his last," she said.

"I join Kenyans in condemning his killing and call upon the Directorate of Criminal Investigations and Inspector General of National Police Japheth Koome to move with speed and ensure his killers and their accomplices face the law."

This comes a day after the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Kenya condemned the abduction, torture and murder of Sniper.

ICJ noted that the Kenyan constitution guarantees freedom of expression and, the right to seek, receive and impart information.

Calling for justice for the blogger, it added that every Kenyan has the right to criticise and question those entrusted with power by the people.

"We call upon law enforcement to thoroughly investigate and prosecute those responsible for #Sniper's death," it said.

Sniper disappeared on December 2, before his body was discovered on December 16.

An autopsy conducted on Friday by government pathologist Johansen Oduor at the Marimanti Level 4 Hospital Mortuary showed that Sniper died of strangulation.

He also had fractured ribs and showed injuries on his head which suggested that he was strangled before being thrown into a river.

Officials picked up DNA samples to confirm he was the one since his body had already decomposed.

The examination of the body showed there were no defence injuries thus raising questions on whether he was subdued to a level where he could not defend himself.

Police sources said they have identified possible suspects in the murder, including some local workers.

A senior official said arrests and questioning are expected soon.

"The probe points to some people who had bad relationships with the deceased. This is murder," a senior official aware of the probe said.

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