Ruto-allied MP criticizes Gachagua for attacking a judge

Gachagua on Sunday singled out one judge whom he accused of corruption.

In Summary
  • The MP noted that he supports the government's fight against corruption but is in disagreement with the approach it has adopted.
  • He said that judges without the opportunity to defend themselves should not be named in public rallies.
Ugenya MP David Ochieng issuing boarding items to a form one student at Sega Township Primary School on January 15, 2024.
Ugenya MP David Ochieng issuing boarding items to a form one student at Sega Township Primary School on January 15, 2024.

Ugenya MP David Ochieng has criticized his fellow politicians in the Kenya Kwanza coalition over their incessant attack on the judiciary.

In an apparent reference to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Ochieng said that it is not right to name, in public rallies, judges and other court officials who do not have a chance to defend themselves.

The Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) party leader was speaking barely 24 hours after DP Gachagua singled out the name of one of the judges, accusing her of being corrupt.

"As a lawyer, I want to advise my colleagues in Kenya Kwanza that we erode the confidence of the public when we start naming individual judges in our rallies and public appearances. Our judges are not elected and do not have a platform where they will defend themselves," Ochieng stated.

The MP noted that he supports the government's fight against corruption but is in disagreement with the approach it has adopted.

"I want to request the president and deputy president and all of us in Kenya Kwanza government that, in fighting corruption I am with you, but let us not go on a mob lynch spree where we name judges in a public rally. She has no place to defend herself or himself," he said.

In the same vein, the lawmaker noted that corruption is widespread in nearly all arms of government and that it is accordingly not right to single out the judiciary.

Even so, he stressed, that due process should be followed.

"Let us fight corruption methodically without being seen as if we are targeting the judiciary.

"Let us target every organ of government so that if parliament, military, executive or judiciary is rotten then we deal with it without public lynching of officials that do not have a chance to defend themselves," he averred.

MP Ochieng was speaking during the award of full scholarships and boarding requirements to some 83 bright and needy students joining Form One in various national schools, and distributing of bursaries to others in local secondary schools.

Ochieng said that the National Government Constituency Development Fund had hit the accounts of various constituencies in the country on Monday at 9:00am.

The event was held at Sega Township Primary School grounds on Monday.

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