On the radar: Rita Waeni’s post-mortem set for today

Key events and activities happening today.

In Summary
  • Raila is expected to visit Kwale and Mombasa and address rallies in Lunga, Msambweni and Likoni.
  • EACC summoned the Salasya over claims of assaulting an MCA.

ODM leader Raila Odinga continues with his tour of the Coast region to consolidate support for his party.

The former premier returns to the coast to consolidate his base against a sustained onslaught by Deputy President William Ruto who has made several visits to the region.

Raila is expected to visit Kwale and Mombasa and address rallies in Lunga, Msambweni and Likoni.

The ODM boss on Monday pitched tent in Kilifi County with a series of rallies in Malindi, Kilifi town and Mtwapa in Kilifi south

Gachagua to jointly address the media with Nyandarua MCAs

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua will on Tuesday morning address a press conference at his official residence in Karen.

The DP will address the media after holding a closed-door meeting with Members of the County Assembly of Nyandarua.

Gachagua will jointly address the press conference with the Ward Reps.

Salasya to record a statement with EACC

Mumias East MP Peter Salasya is to appear before the EACC at 9:00 am to record a statement.

EACC summoned the MP over claims of assaulting an MCA.

In a letter issued by its CEO Twalib Mbarak on January 16, EACC asked Salasya to appear before the commission on Tuesday, January 23, for an interview and to record a statement on allegations that he assaulted Malaha-Isongo-Makunga Member of County Assembly (MCA) during a funeral.

Waeni’s post-mortem set for today

An autopsy is to be conducted on the head of Rita Waeni at the City Mortuary after her identification.

On Sunday, detectives found a human head believed to be that of the murdered university student in a dam in Kiambaa, Kiambu County.

Also recovered are some of the slain woman’s belongings including her mobile phone.

Nyachae’s Sh2 billion inheritance case to be heard today

The hearing of Simeon Nyachae’s case where a woman has contested his will seeking a share of his Sh2 billion estate to be heard today.

In the case, a US-based woman sued the Nyachae family for leaving her out of the inheritance, saying she was a wife and had three children for him.

The last time the matter was in court, the High Court warned the family of the former Cabinet Minister Simeon Nyachae against attempts to delay the case.

Manduku’s Sh1.4 billion case proceeds for hearing

The Sh 1.4 billion graft case against former Kenya Ports Authority Managing Director Daniel Manduku proceeds for hearing.

The case according to the DPP relates to the procurement of the manufacture of concrete barriers with a contractual sum of Sh1,420,730,721.81.

The project they said was not within the KPA's approved budget for the 2018-19 financial year and had not been planned for by the ports authority.

Kenyans to start giving views on Social Health Insurance Act 2023 regulations.

The Ministry of Health begins public participation in the Social Health Insurance Act 2023 regulations.

The regulations will guide the implementation of the act after court orders are lifted. Kenyans will be required to submit their views through written memoranda or physically

The Obamas mourn American activist Martin Luther's son Dexter.

Dexter Scott King, the younger son of Martin Luther King Jr and Coretta Scott King, has died after battling prostate cancer.

The King Center in Atlanta, which Dexter King served as chairperson, said the 62-year-old son of the civil rights leader died on Monday at his California home after battling prostate cancer.

His wife, Leah Weber King, said in a statement that he died “peacefully in his sleep”.

AFCON: Group C and D in the final stage of group matches

In the Africa Cup of Nations, Group C and D teams will be in action. Of these eight teams, only one, Senegal, has guaranteed a place in the next round.

In Group C, Guinea will play Senegal while Gambia face Cameroon.

In Group D, Angola will play Burkina Faso while Mauritania face Algeria.

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