Body of Khalwale's farmhand to leave morgue ahead of burial

The autopsy revealed that Moi had indeed died of injuries resulting from an attack by the animal

In Summary

•The second autopsy was conducted to reveal the cause of death, following allegations that the senator did it

•In an early morning tweet on Sunday, the Senator said he was preparing to go to the morgue to bring back Moi’s body

Detectives from the homicide department collect evidence from a cowshed where Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale's farmhand Kizito Moi was alleged gored to death by a fighter bull he was tending, February 1, 2024.
Detectives from the homicide department collect evidence from a cowshed where Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale's farmhand Kizito Moi was alleged gored to death by a fighter bull he was tending, February 1, 2024.

The body of Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale’s fighter bull caretaker and trainer Kizito Moi will be released from the mortuary on Sunday.

This is after the second postmortem on the body confirmed that Moi had indeed been killed by the bull.

Government pathologist Johansen Oduor conducted the conclusive examination on Saturday, putting an end to speculations surrounding Moi's demise.

The closure provided by the postmortem paved the way for the release of the body to the family in preparation for the scheduled burial on Monday.

The autopsy findings revealed that Moi had succumbed to injuries sustained from the bull's attack.

Former Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale, who was present at the Kakamega County Funeral Palour, announced that the body of the bull's caretaker would be moved on Sunday morning.

“I am glad that Dr Oduor the government pathologist has announced a closure and with this,” Khalwale said.

“I would like, as I pass my condolences to the family, my community and the bullfighting fraternity to say that we shall move the remains of Moi tomorrow morning in the usual manner and we shall bury him on Monday at home in Malinya,” he added.

In an early morning tweet on Sunday, the Senator said he was preparing to go to the morgue to bring back Moi’s body.

But before then, he had taken time to feed his calves.

“Before departing to the mortuary to bring back the body of my trusted fighter bull caretaker, Moi, for burial, I've personally fed the calves. From this pool of calves that I breed, Moi would point out to me a potential new fighter bull,” he said.

The second autopsy was conducted to reveal the cause of death, following allegations that the senator did it.

Police from the Homicide Unit at DCI headquarters, Senator Khalwale, and Kizito's family members were present.

Odu0r had conducted a second autopsy after there were complaints arising from the first one, which was done by the local pathologist.

Addressing the media on Saturday, Oduor said that the injuries caused to Kizito's body were caused by a penetrating item that appeared neither sharp nor blunt.

"What I found is that the late Kizito had injuries on the right side of the forehead. There was one on the anterior neck and on the inner thigh of the left leg," he said.

"Looking at injuries, they were penetrating and had some features that included some blue bruising around them, and to look at them closely, they look like injuries that were caused by something that was penetrating but not very sharp and was a bit blunt, which is in keeping with the horn of an animal," Oduor added.

From the findings, the State pathologist concluded that the initial autopsy was correct as was caused by an animal.

Moi’s body was found last Sunday inside a cowshed, where the senator claimed he was gored to death by a fighter bull he was tending. 

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