
How to register non-citizen learners for KPSEA assessment

KPSEA Assessment fees for a non-citizen learner is Sh750.


Realtime09 February 2024 - 11:03

In Summary

  • The registration for KPSEA and Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment assessment tests this year started on January 29 and will end on March 29, 2024. 
  • KILEA is administered to learners in the Intermediate Level who are ready to transition to the Pre-vocational Level.
Kenya National Examinations Council CEO David Njeng’ere

Non-Kenyan learners who wish to sit the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment will follow a slightly different procedure while registering for the test. 

According to the Kenya National Examination Council, the government through the Ministry of Education shall pay assessment fees for all learners in public and private schools except for those who are not Kenyan citizens.

"Assessment fees for a non-citizen learner is Sh750," Knec CEO David Njengere said. 

The registration is done by the head teacher of the institution where the non-citizen learner schools. 

He said the fees should be deposited in the respective Knec Assessment fees collection accounts in either National Bank, Kenya Commercial Bank, Co-operative Bank or Equity Bank.

"The deposit slips should be submitted to the SCDEs who shall forward them to Knec together with other registration documents," Njengere said. 

The registration for KPSEA and Kenya Intermediate Level Education Assessment assessment tests this year started on January 29 and will end on March 29, 2024. 

Njengere said school heads should ensure all learners who are in Grade 6 are registered afresh for the assessment as was the case in 2023.

He said registration shall be done through the KPSEA registration portal 

"Please note that the KNEC registration portal shall be closed on March 29, 2024, and there will be no provision for late registration of candidates once the portal is closed," the Knec boss said. 

KPSEA and KILEA exams are set to begin on October 28 to 31, 2024.

KILEA is administered to learners in the Intermediate Level who are ready to transition to the Pre-vocational Level.

Njengere said the candidates presented for the assessment ought to be eligible learners who have been learning in their schools.

He warned that the registration of ghost candidates constitutes assessment malpractice. 

"Registration of ghost candidates will attract sanctions, including de-registration of the school as a Knec examination centre," he said. 

He urged school heads to edit the candidates' biodata where applicable to ensure the accuracy of the registration data for all learners. 

Further, Njengere said transfer of candidates is only allowed during the registration period.

He said after the closure of the exercise, transfers will not be allowed.

"The transfer of candidates must be done online to avoid duplication of candidates," he said. 

Additionally, Knec said all eligible KPSEA candidates must be registered in the Grade 6 portal first to be assigned an Assessment Number.

"The Assessment number is mandatory for registration. Upon registration, the head of the institution must make sure that the learners' SBA scores for Grades 4 and 5 are uploaded," he said. 

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