Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki on Friday traversed at least four Mt Kenya counties as he ramped up state efforts to fight illicit brews across the country.
The CS’s tours are aimed at offering the much-needed momentum to security officials cracking down on illegal alcoholic outlets and manufacturers following the state’s full-blown campaign.
Kindiki started his daylong Mt Kenya blitz with a meeting with the Kiambu County security committee at the commissioner’s office at dawn before heading to Muran’ga, Kirinyaga and Nyeri.
While in Kiambu Kindiki declared that the manufacture, sale and consumption of illicit alcohol and narcotic drugs is a major National security threat.
He said that the government will eradicate the two threats ruthlessly to protect and secure present and future generations.
“Security managers countrywide are directed to ensure strict enforcement of the policy and operational guidelines issued by the Government in the eradication of poisonous and toxic substances,’’ Kindiki said.
The CS then flew to Murang’a County where he also held a security meeting with the county’s top security bosses.
In Murang’a, the CS announced that the 3-year transfer policy for police officers will be rolled out this month and that it will apply mandatorily to all police officers countrywide.
“Beginning this morning, all police officers who have served in one station for more than three years will be transferred to eliminate conflict of interest, guard against internal sabotage and enhance service delivery in the security sector,’’ he said.
The transfers were proposed by the David Maraga-led task force as part of the strategy of unwinding intricate relationships between suspects and officers in a bid to combat crime.
Kindiki said in Murang’a that the nationwide crackdown initiated by the government to combat the manufacture, sale, consumption and abuse of illicit liquor and narcotic drugs is a timeless operation.
He said the operation will be conducted until the menace is conclusively dealt with.
“Unlike past operations that were hampered by competing political and commercial interests, the ongoing exercise is a security operation to tackle a national threat and devoid of politics,’’ he said.
He met the security team led by the county commissioner Joshua Nkatha.
Kindiki then headed to Kirinyaga County where he met the security team led by County Commissioner Hussein Alaso.
Kindiki said that the government will unleash all the resources at its disposal to fight the war on narcotic drugs, substance abuse and consumption of poisonous alcoholic drinks.
“Illicit liquor and narcotic drugs are an existential threat to the future of our Nation and affect every family, directly or indirectly,’’ he said.
“ Like the fight against terrorism, banditry and organised crime, the crackdown on manufacturers, distributors and traders involved in the illicit liquor and narcotic drugs enterprise is a security operation that will be undertaken without any politicisation or vested business interests.’’
He said security officers aiding or abetting the distribution and consumption of poisonous and toxic substances leading to loss of lives and injury will not be transferred to other jurisdictions and will be fired.
From Kirinyaga, Kindiki landed in Nyeri County as he personally led the mobilization of security agents across the country to comprehensively fight illicit brews and drug abuse.
In Nyeri, Kindiki met with the Central Regional and Nyeri County Security and Intelligence Committees.
Kindiki said that to ensure the success of the operation, the government would pull all stops to deal with any external and internal saboteurs, including sacking and prosecuting officers aiding the illicit brew and drugs business for personal monetary benefit.
“ Equally, security officers, who through their diligence and patriotism facilitate the operation's success will be recognised and rewarded through promotions and other State honours,’’ he said.
The CS said that saving the country's current and future generations is at the heart of the nationwide operation to crack down on merchants of death involved in the illicit alcohol and narcotic drugs business.