Civil society groups continue to raise concerns over the new rates on registration documents including National IDs, birth certificates, passports among others.
The Nubian Rights Forum (NRF) on Wednesday said the increased charges will impact the access and issuance of national documents making it harder for Kenyans to access government-issued documents.
"The new regulations will disproportionately impact marginalized and minority communities, people living in rural communities and low-income people," Executive Director Shafi Hussein told journalists.
According to the new rates by the Interior Ministry, replacing an ID will cost Sh1, 000 up from Sh100 while a birth certificate will cost Sh200 up from Sh50.
He further stated that communities subjected to a vetting process before being issued with the documents like the Nubians will be forced to pay an additional Sh500 fee for document verification leading to discrimination.
"It cannot be underscored just how important an ID or a birth certificate is to fully participate in society; no one should be denied these documents just because they can't afford to pay", he added.
They are now urging the government to reverse the course to ensure all Kenyans can afford and easily access these documents.