WATCH LIVE: Impeachment hearing of Kisii DG Robert Monda

Kisii MCAs impeached Monda on February 29.

In Summary

•The deputy governor has lined up six witnesses in the case.

•The DG has pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

Senate Plenary. Impeachment Hearing - DG, Kisii County on Thursday 14th March 2024. 9.00 AM

Impeached Kisii Deputy Governor Robert Monda has pleaded not guilty to all the four charges facing him at the senate.

The development came after the senate clerk read out the charges at the start of an impeachment hearing at the Senate.

“By virtue of the Deputy govenor requesting and receiving a bribe of sh800,00 he is in breach of the provisions of Article 232 which obligates public officers to observe the values and principles of public service, " the charges read.

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