KPLC lists areas to experience power inerruption Sunday

Among the counties to be affected are Kilifi, Kisii, Mombasa, Nairobi and parts of Uasin Gishu.

In Summary
  • In Kilifi county, KPLC said the power interruptions will affect those living in parts of Mtwapa and  Kaanamai. 

  • Kilifi will experience a power blackout from 8am to 5pm.

Kenya Power workers on duty.
Kenya Power workers on duty.
Image: Alice Waithera

The Kenya Power and Lighting Company has announced that some areas are set to experience power outages for some hours across the country on Sunday. 

KPLC noted that among the counties set to experience a blackout due to the planned power interruptions are Kilifi, Kisii, Mombasa, Nairobi and parts of Uasin Gishu. 

In Kilifi county, KPLC said the power interruptions will affect those living in parts of Mtwapa and  Kaanamai. 

Kilifi will experience a power blackout from 8am to 5pm.

"Parts of Kanamai Majengo, Tropical Sea life, Dada Millers, Bestline EPZ, Mwatundo, Rise and Shine, Kwa Radar, Kwa Madzayo, Africa Fuels, Coast Apparel, Jodari Millers, Nyati, Mtwapa Mkt, Petrocity, Handshake Hotel, Oasis Hosp, Ndonya, Mzambarauni, Mzuri Sweets I and Coca-Cola Bottlers will be affected," KPLC said. 

Other parts to be affected in Kilifi are ; Ashut Plastics, Brilliant EPZ, Mtwapa Gardens, Four Farm, Amor Coco, Greenwod Resort, KMA Est, Kwa Chokwe, KALRO Staff Quarters, KALRO Offices, Peackock Hotel, Mawenzi Resort, Ndonya Police, Kwa Wahome, Chaurembo, Kwetu Resort, Kipepeo Resort, Imani Pipes, Kwa Kamau, Bamba Water, Mtepeni Makruh, Mtepeni Pri, Masisters, Kwa Sadaka, Migingo, Fantasy Farm, Sina Changu, Tunzanani Chengoni and adjacent customers. 

In Kisii county the power interruption will take place from 7:20 am to 4:20pm. 

Parts of Kisii town are set to be affected as well as those living around Embonga Hotel, Kisii East Garage, CITAM Church, Senti, Botori SDA, Marshpark Hotel, Bosongo Hosp, Le-Premier Hotel and Kisii Junction Hotel. 

Other areas are Mwenzangu Building, Superloaf, Ouru Superstores, KPLC Office & Stores, Dans Hotel, New Naivas Kisii, Quickmart, Nyamazone, Oasis, Mediforte, Dallas Complex, Industrial and adjacent customers. 

For Mombasa County the main areas that will experience power outages are Ganjoni and Kizingo. 

The power outage will last from 8am to 5pm. 

Residents around CMC, Jawabe Hotel, Mombasa Sports, Nairobi Women Hosp, Part of Moi Avenue, SECO, Mbaraki, Bamburi Cement, Likoni Mall, Likoni Naivas, Boss Freight and Agha Khan Academy will be affected. 

"Others are Mama Ngina Water Front, Ndoho Mkt, Mbaraki Sports Club, Sea View Plaza, Oceanic View Apts, Light House, National Police HQtrs, Lotus Hotel, County Offices, Mombasa Hosp, Fort Jesus, KPΑ Low Level Houses, KMA and adjacent customers," KPLC said. 

In the Nairobi region, the main part that will be affected is the Westlands and its surroundings.

The outage will last from 9am to 5pm. 

Residents around School Lane, Parts of Karuna Rd, Westlands Primary, BOA, Safaricom Headquarters, Parts Waiyaki Way, Fenesi Gardens, Krystone Apartments, ACK St. Marks Church, School Groove and Lions Place will be affected. 

Others are Brookside Groove, Part of Muguga Green, Njugunas, Total Stn. Waiyaki Way, Kabete Barracks, KARLO Kabete, Parts of Manyani Rd, ABC Place, APDK, Deroid Kenya and adjacent customers.

In Uasin Gishu county, the blackout will affect mainly those around Sinendet centre from 10am to 5pm. 

"Sinendet Centre, Sakam Quarry, Lower Kipkaren Centre, Upper Kipkaren, Nyengeilel Sec Sch, Nyengeilel Centre, Murugusi Dispensary, Murugusi Pri, Murugusi Centre, Musembe Mkt, Chepsaita, Magut Center, Ngayu Centre Psorungai, Lumakanda Centre, Lumakanda Sec Sch, Lumakanda Hosp and adjacent customers will be affected," KPLC said. 

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