Barchok slams politicians disrespecting DP Gachagua

The governor said they will not allow a few people to humiliate the government.

In Summary
  • "When you are disrespecting DP Gachagua, you are also disrespecting President Ruto," Barchok said.
  • Barchok told the leaders that Gachagua stood with them during the election and must therefore respect him.
Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok.
Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok.
Image: FILE

Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok has slammed politicians from Rift Valley who he said were humiliating Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

Barchok said disrespecting Gachagua is disrespecting the government.

The governor said they will not allow a few people to humiliate the government.

"When you are disrespecting DP Gachagua, you are also disrespecting President Ruto," Barchok said.

Barchok told the Rift leaders that Gachagua stood with them during the election and must therefore respect him.

The governor said the leaders should be the last ones to destabilize the government.

"If there is something that he has said that you don't agree with, there is a respectable way to address them without standing on the podium to talk about it," he said.

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