Unity talks take center stage at Bungoma church service attended by Ruto

"We are all Kenyans before God and we are one people," Kimilili MP Didmus Baraza said.

In Summary
  • Nominated MP Sabina Chege reaffirmed her support for President William Ruto emphasising the need for unity of all Kenyans.

  • Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki Kithure on his part condemned any attempts by some leaders to divide the people.

President William Ruto with a section of leaders from Mt Kenya in Bungoma on June 2, 2024.
President William Ruto with a section of leaders from Mt Kenya in Bungoma on June 2, 2024.

The calls for unity in the country dominated talks during an interdenominational church service Sunday in Bungoma.

President William Ruto among other top leaders attended the service held at Amutala stadium in Kimilili constituency.

One after the other, the leaders drawn from various parts of the country condemned attempts by some individuals to divide Kenyans along ethnic lines.

Nominated MP Sabina Chege reaffirmed her support for President William Ruto emphasising the need for unity of all Kenyans.

Sabina said they want development to reach all corners of the country and this can only be possible when leaders unite.

“We want peace and unity in our country because unity is strength so that we can remain as one and support the president,” she said.

“We want to come together because we believe in one president and one leadership in this country,” she added.

President William Ruto with nominated MP Sabina Chege in Bungoma on June 2, 2024.
President William Ruto with nominated MP Sabina Chege in Bungoma on June 2, 2024.

Kimilili MP Didmus Baraza said tribalism was brought by colonialists and they cannot afford to go back to that era adding "We are all Kenyans before God and we are one people".

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki Kithure on his part condemned any attempts by some leaders to divide the people.

“I want to urge all of us to respect the constitution and the law of our country, and to support the president as our leader and the symbol of our unity so that we can deliver on the mandate that the people of Kenya have given us,” he said.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi on his part said it would be foolhardy for Kenyans to be divided when Ruto is already leading peace efforts in various countries in East Africa.

“Let us shun tribalism, we do not want to bring ethnicity amongst ourselves when our president is leading the efforts to unite warring factions in various countries,” said Mudavadi.

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa pledged full support for Ruto’s unity bid saying as leaders they do not entertain tribal politics.

“As leaders from Western region we fully support that and come 2027 you have 100 percent support from us,” he said.

He added that as governors from the Western region, they have agreed to walk together and support the president so that they can bring more development to their people.

President William Ruto with Kimilili MP Didmus Baraza and Governor Ken Lusana and National Assembly speaker Moses Wetangula in Bungoma on June 2, 2024.
President William Ruto with Kimilili MP Didmus Baraza and Governor Ken Lusana and National Assembly speaker Moses Wetangula in Bungoma on June 2, 2024.

Busia's Paul Otuoma added his voice lauding the president for his stance in advocating for togetherness among all Kenyans.

“It cannot be that 61 years after independence we are still discussing or contributing to matters that divide Kenyans into tribal groups, which will not take Kenya forward. Your Excellency, we support you in your plan to unite Kenyans and we urge you continue that way,” he remarked.

National Assembly speaker Moses Wetangula, Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha and area Governor Ken Lusaka were also present.

Senate Deputy Speaker Kathuri Murungi, Bungoma Senator David Wakoli, John Methu (Nyandarua), Martin Wanyonyi (Webuye East), John Makali (Kanduyi), Vihiga woman rep Beatrice Adagala, Malulu Injendi (Malava), John Waluke (Sirisia), Mburu Kahangara (Lari) and Robert Gichimu (Gichugu) were also in attendance.

Others were MPs Kimani Kuria (Molo), Duncan Mathenge (Nyeri town), Kwenya Thuku (Kinangop), Dan Wanyama (Webuye west), Fred Kapondi (Mt Elgon), Fred Ikhana (Shinyalu), Kanini Kega (EALA), Sabina Chege, Emmanuel Wangwe (Navakholo).

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