Who was reggae MC Jahmby Koikai ?

Her love for reggae music had been a source of strength and comfort

In Summary
  • Jahmby Koikai's life took a challenging turn when she was diagnosed with endometriosis, a rare and painful condition.
  • She has been open about her struggles with the condition, using her platform to raise awareness.
Njambi 'Faya Mama' Koikai
Njambi 'Faya Mama' Koikai
Image: file

Jahmby Koikai, also known as Fyah Mama was a prominent Kenyan reggae MC, radio host, and activist.

Koikai was born on November  24, 1986, in Nairobi, Kenya, she rose to fame through her captivating reggae mixes and vibrant personality on the airwaves.

Koikai's journey in the entertainment industry began at a young age, and she quickly became a well-known deejay in Kenya and beyond.

She gained fame through her radio shows on Metro FM and Q FM, where she hosted reggae shows. She was also a regular guest and host on the popular NTV show The Trend before seeking treatment in the USA.

Jahmby Koikai's life took a challenging turn when she was diagnosed with endometriosis, a rare and painful condition.

Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.

This condition causes severe pain in the pelvis and makes it harder to get pregnant.

For Jahmby Koikai, the battle with endometriosis had been long and serious.

She had been open about her struggles with the condition, using her platform to raise awareness about endometriosis and advocate for better healthcare for women in Kenya and across Africa.

Despite facing numerous surgeries and treatments, Koikai remained resilient, inspiring others with her courage and determination.

Throughout her journey, Koikai continued to pursue her passion for music and broadcasting.

She has hosted radio shows and events, showcasing her talent and spreading positive vibes to her audience.

Her love for reggae music had been a source of strength and comfort during difficult times, allowing her to connect with others who share her passion.

Despite the challenges posed by her health condition, Koikai remained a beacon of hope and resilience for many.

Koikai died at the Nairobi hospital on Monday at around 9 pm, hours after she had appealed for blood donation.

"Hi fam, I'm currently admitted at the Pioneer Ward Nairobi hospital and I kindly need Blood O positive. Kindly asking for blood donors for Mary Njambi Koikai," she wrote on Instagram stories.

Her advocacy work has helped shine a light on the plight of women suffering from endometriosis and has contributed to greater awareness and support for those affected by the condition.

Koikai’s journey exemplifies strength, resilience, and a deep love for both reggae music and making a positive impact.

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