Cost of living key issue of concern for Kenyans – Poll

The survey was conducted between May 23 to 29 among 1,700 respondents aged above 18 years.

In Summary
  • According to the report by Infotrak Research and Consulting released on Thursday, unemployment follows at 30 per cent.
  • Consequently, the findings revealed that 32 per cent of the male adults identified unemployment as a key concern while 29 per cent of the female gender also indicated it as a significant issue.
Kenyans stage protests over high cost of living
Kenyans stage protests over high cost of living
Image: FILE

Cost of living has taken the lead at 49 per cent among the top issues of concern to Kenyans, a poll by Infotrak shows. 

According to the report by Infotrak Research and Consulting released on Thursday, unemployment follows at 30 per cent.

Transport, infrastructure and roads then follow at 22 per cent.

"Other issues are the cost of doing business at and access to healthcare at 19 per cent. The cost of living and unemployment have been the prevalent and recurring issues of concern in recent polls conducted since August, September 2023 and February 2024," the report says.

They noted that the Nyanza Region stood out with the highest rating at 60 per cent in terms of Kenyans who identified the cost of living as a concern.

Infotrak further added that other regions including the Coast, North Eastern, Nairobi, Central, Rift Valley, Western and Eastern scored below average in terms of the cost of living.

This regional variation they said underscores the need for targeted politicians.

"In terms of gender,50 per cent of the males mentioned the cost of living as a key issue of concern and similarly youth between the ages of 28 to 26 at 50 per cent also mentioned the cost of living. 47 per cent of female adults mentioned the cost of living," the report says.

Consequently, the findings revealed that 32 per cent of the male adults identified unemployment as a key concern while 29 per cent of the female gender also indicated it as a significant issue.

The survey was conducted between May 23 to 29 among 1,700 respondents aged above 18 years.

The margin error was +/-2.53 per cent at 95 per cent degree of confidence.

The Poll was conducted through Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) in all 47 counties and eight regions of Kenya.

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