Survey: Proposed tax on financial services, transactions opposed

The financial and insurance services VAT tax is contained in the Finance Bill, 2024.

In Summary
  • The findings conducted between May 23 to 29, show that only 3 per cent of adult respondents aged (35-45) supported the 16 per cent VAT tax on financial and insurance services. 

A new survey by InfoTrak has revealed that the majority of Kenyans are opposed to the introduction of the tax on financial transactions and insurance services.

The survey conducted between May 23 to 29, show that only 3 per cent of adult respondents aged (35-45) supported the 16 per cent VAT tax on financial and insurance services. 

Additionally, only three per cent of female adults supported the tax on finance and insurance services.

Overall only four per cent of respondents supported the introduction of the tax.

The survey targeted 1,700 respondents aged above 18 years.

It was conducted through Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews (CATI) in all 47 counties and eight regions across the country.

There was a margin error of +/-2.53 per cent at 95 per cent degree of confidence.

The financial and insurance services VAT tax is contained in the Finance Bill, 2024.

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