I won't stop fighting for unity, interests of Mt Kenya, says Gachagua

Deputy President says division in one area ends up affecting the entire nation

In Summary
  • The DP added that the unity he is championing is for the entire country but he is doing it “bottom up.”
  • Gachagua has been facing criticism from President William Ruto's allies for allegedly spreading tribal politics through his calls for a united Mt Kenya region.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua arrives at the Annual Akorino Conference in Nakuru on June 9, 2024.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua arrives at the Annual Akorino Conference in Nakuru on June 9, 2024.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has maintained that he will not relent in pushing for the interests and unity of the Mt Kenya region.

Speaking at the Annual Akorino Conference in Nakuru on Sunday, Gachagua insisted that he is keen to see the entire country united but quickly pointed out that if one small area is divided, the nation may have a problem.

“I have heard my brother Moses Kuria asking the Akorino Church to be united. It is true because they have unique issues to do with the Akorinos. But, the coming together of the Akorinos does not mean they are uniting against the Catholic Church or the PCEA. It is because they have their unique challenges,” he explained.

The DP added that the unity he is championing is for the entire country but he is doing it “bottom up.”

Gachagua has been facing criticism from President William Ruto's allies for allegedly spreading tribal politics through his calls for a united Mt Kenya region.

He is also a proponent of the one man, one vote, one shilling revenue-sharing formula.

On Sunday, Gachagua said leaders should desist from creating narratives that do not exist.

“Bottom-up economic transformation agenda starts from down coming up. It is the same with unity. It starts at the home between the husband and wife, then the village, location, sub-county, county and the rest of Kenya,” he added.

Gachagua said he has never failed President Ruto, who was also present at the Akorino event.

“My work is to assist you in the management of the affairs of the country. As you champion the economic transformation of the country, as your deputy, I help you from the background. In my estimation and you have not told me otherwise I think I have done what is possible within my limited ability,” he stated.

The DP said he is on record as a great peacemaker and a man who looks for unity

Gachagua named his peace efforts in Kericho, stating that the county is not in the Mt Kenya region yet he travelled their to unite MCAs and the county government when there was a strive between the two.

He further cited his peace efforts in Kiambu, Meru, and Nakuru counties.

“I do this because any disunity in any small area will affect the unity of the entire country,” he explained.

He added that the unity he champions is not targeted against any region or community.

“It is a unity of purpose. People have unique challenges and peculiar interests that are specific to themselves,” he stated.

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