Mama Ngina's security detail yet to be reinstated - Kanze Dena

Her security, Kanze said, was withdrawn in July 2023.

In Summary
  • Addressing the media on Monday, Kanze said benefits amounting to 50 per cent of what a retired president receives have not been accorded to the former first lady as required by the law.

Former President Uhuru greets Mama Ngina Kenyatta at a past function.
Former President Uhuru greets Mama Ngina Kenyatta at a past function.
Image: FILE

Former First Lady Mama Ngina Kenyatta's security detail is yet to be reinstated since it was withdrawn in July 2023, retired President Uhuru Kenyatta's Spokesperson Kanze Dena has said.

Addressing the media on Monday, Kanze said benefits amounting to 50 per cent of what a retired president receives have not been accorded to the former first lady as required by the law.

"The government of the day has not provided any vehicles and we would like to clarify that on the 18th of July 2023 at 7 pm, all her drivers and security details were withdrawn from their residences via phone," she said.

"The Government spokesman said they provided the cars to her but that is not what happened."

Kanze said the vehicles currently being used by Mama Ngina were allocated to her by the late President Daniel Arap Moi and the late President Mwai Kibaki during their respective tenures.

She further stated that allegations in the media that these personnel were reinstated are false.

She further alleged that fuel cards for her vehicles were also blocked and vehicle maintenance denied from March 2023 till to date.

"One of the said vehicles has been unserviceable for approximately one year," she added.

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