Njambi Koikai memorial service programme

Her memorial service is taking place at Nairobi Chapel, Ngong Road

In Summary
  • The late Mary  Njambi  Koikai died on june 3, 2024 is to be laid to rest on June, 14 2024.
  • According to the programme, the memorial service is to commence at 11 am.
Jahmby Koikai
Jahmby Koikai

Family and friends will on Thursday gather for the memorial service of late Reggae MC Njambi Koikai.

Koikai died on June 3, 2024 and is set to be laid to rest on Friday, June 14.

Her memorial service is expected to take place on Thursday at Nairobi Chapel along Ngong Road.

According to the programme, the memorial service is to commence at 11 am.

Larry Osego and Jacky Nyaminde popularly known as Wilbroda will be the MCs during the service which will be led by Reverend Liz Mang'eli.

The memorial is to start off with opening prayer and praise and worship which is expected to happen between 11 am to 1 pm .

This will be followed by an opening hymn, a word of prayer and the first scripture reading.

There will be a second hymn which will usher in the eulogy that will be read by Rose Muthoni.

After that, the second scripture will be read, followed by a third hymn.

This will then be followed by the tributes with the first part being tributes from friends, colleagues and special guests.

A hymn will usher in the second part of the tributes from her family.

After another hymn, Reverend Ken Aringo will pray for the family followed by a vote of thanks, announcements, benediction and a recessional hymn.

This will mark the end of the memorial service with the funeral service expected to take place on Friday.

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