I speak for the ordinary Kenyan! Gachagua defends unity push

"When you hear me speak, it is what the ground is saying.”

In Summary
  • The DP said all the positions he takes on the country’s affairs are supported by the people.
  • “When you see me take a stand, there are so many people behind me saying that is the way to go,” he said.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaking during the commissioning of new classrooms at Manyatta Primary School in Ruai, Kasarani constituency on June 14, 2024.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua speaking during the commissioning of new classrooms at Manyatta Primary School in Ruai, Kasarani constituency on June 14, 2024.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has defended his agenda saying it has the backing of ordinary citizens.

Speaking during the commissioning of new classrooms at Manyatta Primary School in Ruai, Kasarani constituency, the DP said he speaks on behalf Kenyans.

“I don’t have a voice in this country. I listen to the ground. When you hear me speak, it is what the ground is saying,” he explained.

He added that all positions he takes on the country’s affairs are supported by the people.

“When you see me take a stand, there are so many people behind me saying that is the way to go,” he said.

Gachagua has been facing criticism from President William Ruto's allies for allegedly spreading tribal politics through his calls for a united Mt Kenya region.

He is also a proponent of the one-man, one-vote, one-shilling revenue-sharing formula which has been rubbished by the president's camp as divisive.

Last Sunday, Gachagua maintained that he will not relent in pushing for the interests and unity of the Mt Kenya region.

Speaking at the Annual Akorino Conference in Nakuru, Gachagua insisted that he is keen to see the entire country united but quickly pointed out that if one small area is divided, the nation may have a problem.

“I have heard my brother Moses Kuria asking the Akorino Church to be united. It is true because they have unique issues to do with the Akorinos," he said.

"But the coming together of the Akorinos does not mean they are uniting against the Catholic Church or the PCEA. It is because they have their unique challenges,” he explained.

The DP added that the unity he is championing is for the entire country but he is doing it “bottom-up.”

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