MP demands justice for man killed while fishing in Lake Turkana

Daniel Esinyen was on a fishing expedition with three friends

In Summary
  • According to Turkana Central MP Joseph Emathe, the tragic incident has left the Turkana community in shock and mourning.
  • The Turkana legislator emphasised that those responsible for this heinous act must be held accountable.
Turkana Central MP Joseph Emathe addressing a press conference at Parliament Buildings on June 18, 2024.
Turkana Central MP Joseph Emathe addressing a press conference at Parliament Buildings on June 18, 2024.

Turkana Central MP Joseph Emathe has asked the government to come clear on the killing of the former manager of Lodwar Youth Polytechnic Daniel Esinyen on Saturday.

Emathe demanded a thorough and transparent investigation into the shooting incident.

Addressing a press conference at Parliament Buildings, the lawmaker Esinyen was fishing in Lake Turkana with three friends.

According to Emathe, the tragic incident has left the Turkana community in shock and mourning.

The Turkana legislator emphasised that those responsible for this heinous act must be held accountable.

“We call on the relevant authorities to ensure justice for Daniel Esinyen and his friends, and to take immediate steps to protect our community from such unwarranted aggression in the future,” he said.

Emathe stated that the recent incident is part of a series of violent confrontations in the region involving government officials and local communities.

“The senseless violence and loss of innocent lives must be addressed immediately,” the MP demanded.

“As the representative of the great people of Turkana Central constituency, I demand a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident,” he added.

According to the legislator, Esinyen was on leave and had travelled from Kalokol to Kanakwara Village, near Sibiloi, for a fishing trip with his friends.

During their fishing activities, the MP claimed the four encountered government officials who without any provocation began spraying bullets at them.

“It is important to note that they were far from the park’s protected area, engaging in peaceful fishing activities,” Emathe claimed.

He narrated that in an attempt to save their lives, Esinyen’s colleagues dove into the lake.

“Daniel, however, stood with his hands raised in a clear gesture of surrender. Despite this, the officer on board the helicopter continued to shoot,” he added.

He said a postmortem conducted on his body revealed that his spinal cord, liver, and lungs were destroyed, leading to his death.

“One bullet was retrieved from his body and is currently held by the DCI Lodwar,” he told journalists.

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