Ichung’wah's message to Gen Zs amid Finance Bill protests

The Tuesday protests were organised by a majority of the young generation famously known as Gen Zs.

In Summary
  • Addressing Parliament on Wednesday, Ichung’wah said the Bill will create jobs for the youth and future generations.
  • He said the future generation will only be secured if the manufacturing sector is natured at the moment.
National Assembly majority leader Kimani Ichung’wah during an event in Laikipia on June 9, 2024.
National Assembly majority leader Kimani Ichung’wah during an event in Laikipia on June 9, 2024.

National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah has sent a message to the young generation over the Finance Bill protests.

The Tuesday protests were organised by a majority of the young generation famously known as Gen Zs.

The #OccupyParliament movement gained online and physical support from young people.

Generation Z is the demographic cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha.

Addressing Parliament on Wednesday, Ichung’wah said the Bill will create jobs for the youth and future generations.

"I want to speak to the young people who are in the streets, the young people who have been mobilising colleges and universities around our country to send members messages of rejecting the Finance Bill," he said.

"This Finance Bill is about protecting yourself and our children, it is about creating jobs for you as our children. It is about ensuring that the future of our economy is secure."

He said the future generation will only be secured if the manufacturing sector is nurtured now.

According to Ichung’wah, the Bill is a game changer because it addresses loopholes in the country.

The majority of the protesters were largely young people, carrying bottles of water, placards and phones in their hands documenting the events as they unfolded.

Those not physically present worked behind the scenes on social media by posting images and videos of the protests in solidarity with their peers.

Tuesday’s protests dubbed 'Occupy Parliament' coincided with the tabling of the Bill in the House.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga heaped praise on the young generation for leading Tuesday's anti-Finance Bill protests.

Raila stated he was a proud father of the young generation for the courage exemplified.

CNN International Correspondent Larry Madowo said the courage Gen Zs displayed in Tuesday's anti-Finance Bill protests in Nairobi was inspiring.

He said their conviction stand against the Finance Bill is close to a revolution.

"I stand fearless Kenyan Gen Z baddies fighting for their freedoms online and offline. Your courage and conviction are inspiring. It’s giving revolution. We are led," Madowo said on X.

Former Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana advised the government not to underrate the youth as they take the frontline in agitating for change.

“The most dangerous thing for a government to do is to declare war on its youth,” Kibwana warned.

The government said it had listened to Kenyans and dropped the proposed VAT on bread, transportation of sugar, financial services and foreign exchange transactions, Excise duty on vegetable oil and 2.5 per cent Motor Vehicle Tax has was dropped.

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